Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 213 - News Regarding A Treasured Ore Mine

Gor then nodded and expressed his utmost gratitude to Arthur, before moving with Ron away from their sights. As for Omar, he moved to accept the new batch of these workers, and started the long hard work of assigning them to their tasks.

Deem and Amelia remained, and Arthur knew they wanted to tell him about something, and he also wanted Amelia, as the incoming clash with that middle clan here was destined to fall, either soon or later.

"What? Just tell me what\'s wrong," he asked.

Deem looked at Amelia, who coughed slightly before saying:

"We have checked the places we had intel about, all are ok and our mages are now helping workers in delivering the ores to us. Madly did a great job as she made over a hundred ring, and she is continuing to do more."

Her words made Arthur feel she was circling around the topic she wanted to speak with him about. When he glanced silently towards her, she sighed as she finally said:

"There is a problem, or to be precise, it\'s an opportunity."

She paused as she glanced at him with caution, and he nodded before she said:

"There are rumors that Deem heard from the new workers here, speaking about a very precious ore lying deep in the forest. This ore is a high quality one, the type that could be considered a treasure."

She paused again, and Arthur impatiently said:

"This is all great, what is the catch? Is there a mighty beast there?"

She shook her head as she said:

"It\'s a big clan, one that\'s considered an overlord of this region. they had secured that place, built a town on top of it, and announced their control over it a few months ago."

Arthur\'s eyes shone, as he understood everything. He smiled, on contrast to what she expected, as he asked:

"Tell me, does this clan go by the name Dorfis?"

The two glanced at him in a weird way, before Arthur laughed, as he narrated what happened back at the town. When he finished, they both realized they underestimated Arthur.

He wouldn\'t be limited or scared by anyone, even if a mighty clan that reigned over the region for ages already.

"But Deem told me that their main headquarters are very far from here, while their loyal villages and towns fill the distance inside the forest from here to them," Amelia said, as she was suggesting an idea to Arthur.

"Do you want me to go in person and turn these villages and towns against them? Great idea, but will take quite some time to execute. However, first I need to secure this mine, then I will head towards the villages and towns and pay them a visit."

He then paused, before adding:

"Tell Gor to send more birds to these villages and towns he knew of near here. make them spread the word, in days I will visit them all personally and free them from the curse."

Amelia nodded, while Arthur turned to Deem as he asked:

"Do you know the location of that mine?"

Deem nodded, as he turned towards the forest, pointed towards a certain direction as he said:

"It\'s located two hundred mile towards that direction."

"Two hundred miles," Arthur muttered, as this distance roughly needed two days on foot to cover, half a day of flight. He then nodded as he said:

"Send the word now to Gor, make him start spreading the news. Any village or town I will meet in my way will free them first. After I free the mine, send an army of workers there, and an army of warriors to guard them. also we need to find a solution to the lack of flying mages," he said the last sentence softly as if he was whispering to himself.

The lack of strong mages or warriors really disturbed him. He would prefer to use his heavenly treasure trap, but he already lured out all the monsters in this area of the forest.

Perhaps when he would go to that ore mine, he might try his luck there. He wanted hundreds of thousands of monsters, a thing he knew would be hard to get currently.

However if he managed to do so, he would make his current firepower soar to another level, plus he would be more secured while he was away from here.

"Send the word to Lily, she will come with me now, as for you two, I will leave my city under your care."

They two nodded, while they went to do their tasks. Lily appeared after half an hour, during which Arthur took a wide tour in the area, to witness the grand construction project that stretched to cover his whole city.

The workers were busy digging the ground deep, in long thick curvy lines, intertwining between each other in a random pattern, however Arthur knew this wasn\'t random at all, and all this followed the distribution of energy veins in this area.

"Are we going out so soon?" Lily asked the moment she arrived at his location, with impatient tone. He embarrassingly smiled, as he realized he kept using her non-stop for days already, and she might be in need for rest!

"Sorry, are you tired? I can send it to anyone else."

"No, I\'m just surprised you have the strength to set out again!" she replied, before she shrugged her shoulders, summoned Birdy, then the two moved towards the direction of the forest.

As for Amelia and others, they were really busy with all the tasks Arthur left to them. He trusted their judge in doing the right thing here, as he took the toll of expanding the rule of their growing city everywhere.

Deem was so busy giving instructions here and there.. The construction plan he proposed would take another week to finish, especially when he asked for the long lines dug here to be so deep, reaching in most places to one hundred meters depth, or even more.

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