Tales Of The Mighty Dragonair

Chapter 935 - Arthur Strikes Back

Gege could read Arthur\'s mind, however she didn\'t want to believe what she saw there.

\'Are you… sure of that?\' Gege felt weird and asked in doubt.

"Why do you act surprised?" however Arthur laughed before adding, "it\'s not the craziest thing I\'ve ever done, right?"


Gege knew he did many crazy things before, but this time she felt he was slightly going overboard.

But she couldn\'t say a single word to make him change his mind. At the same time, the two other beings started to interrogate her before the golden dragon\'s laughs rang.

\'Hahahaha, I really like you kid, hahahaha!\'

\'Ding! But you need to know this is a gamble,\' the system tried to warn him towards the drawbacks of his plan.

But Arthur already decided on sticking to this plan. After all, if his three friends here didn\'t anticipate this, and they were the ones who knew him the best, that meant his enemy would never see this coming.

Besides, he didn\'t find any problem in doing so.

In fact he saw this as a normal response towards all the events that happened so far.

As such Arthur started to fly fast while passing through the portals.

\'Any specific location in mind?\' Gege asked before adding, \'do you want me to tell others about this?\'

"No, leave this as secretive as possible for now," Arthur thought for a moment before adding, "after I start, you are free to tell them."

\'Ding! Don\'t underestimate that dark angel mage, he will send everything to you!\' The system tried to warn him for the second time, but Arthur only nodded while he kept flying through the portals.

His flying speed was superb! He turned into a rocket while passing through portals. He jumped from a point to another distance tens of miles away. Then he would jump through another portal before appearing in a distant spot.

He kept doing this while he felt how vast this world truly was. He thought this way of travel would take him towards his goal in mere a few hours.

However even after the passage of half a day, portals didn\'t stop coming towards his face.

"How much further?" at some point he had to ask.

\'Give or take… hmmm… around ten hours,\' Gege said after roughly estimating the time needed for him to reach his destination.

And such an answer startled him greatly.

"How come? I thought that the target was so close!"

\'It\'s near on the map,\' Gege said in agreement, \'but in fact the world is so big. So it\'s normal to take such a long time to reach there.\'

Arthur couldn\'t help but sigh. "What about other battles?" he asked while feeling more bored and regretful at this moment.

If not for the great benefit of this move, he would have decided to turn around and return back.

\'Everything is going as planned,\' Gege slowly said.

"So they are all pressured, right?" Arthur asked just to make sure things were going according to his planning, "but none is going to collapse either, correct?"

\'I\'m keeping track of every single battle,\' Gege said, \'if I notice anywhere is about to be crushed, I\'ll lead some of the dragons to help there.\'

"Make sure you don\'t move out late," Arthur warned. After all, Gege had only scattered portals around his path of travel near the locations of the ongoing fights.

Gege purposely left a few portals at certain locations so that she could use them to send reinforcements. However even if she used these close by portals, the distance any dragon would take to reach any battleground would be in hours.

Arthur\'s plan depended entirely on his forces standing their grounds. They should drag the fight and attract as many of the enemy forces as possible.

This way his next phase of his plan wouldn\'t be this risky. Also that would exponentially increase the losses of the enemy at the end of this fight.

As he had nothing else to do, he tried to close his eyes and meditate. However doing so resulted in greatly diminishing his traveling speed.

After all, he needed to jump from one portal to another, which required him to cross at least one mile each time.

"Damn it! I\'m so bored!!" After the passage of five more hours, Arthur couldn\'t take it anymore.

\'Do you want to travel on your own for a while?\' Gege asked before warning, \'but that will greatly increase the time needed to reach there. I\'m just warning you beforehand.\'


Arthur couldn\'t say anything to her at this moment. He never thought the greatest challenge for him in such a plan would be in his travel towards there.

He thought he would travel safely and without any problems. But he was mistaken.

"Is there any enemy nearby?" As he was bored, he thought of fighting against some enemies to vent out his rage.

\'I don\'t recommend that,\' the golden dragon, however, objected.

\'Ding! I\'m recommending against this as well,\' and his system also joined in and like this Arthur had to endure.

As time flew slowly on him, the remaining five hours ended at last. When the final portal appeared, Arthur came out from it while watching the world around.

"This…" however he didn\'t need to look for so long before he spotted his target.

\'This is the largest enemy base in the entire eastern hemisphere of this world,\' Gege said in pride before adding, \'I\'ve compared all other bases around this half of the world and this… is by far the biggest and strongest.\'

Arthur was standing in midair just tens of meters above a very towering mountain peak. In fact this base was ten miles away from his place.

So it wasn\'t strange for him to see it as a small black dot on the far horizon.

\'I selected this location as it\'s well hidden and so close from that base,\' Gege said before adding, \'what will you do now?\'

"Me?" Arthur couldn\'t help but laugh, "I can\'t come here and not go and say hi, right?"

His plan, his crazy plan in the eyes of Gege, was to select the biggest base of the enemy in this half of the world.

Then he would go directly towards it. In fact he asked for the strongest base in an area of ten thousand miles radius.

But Gege came up with such a base. She lied to him at first as she told him it was only ten thousand miles apart from his location.

But in fact it was at least double this distance if not even more.

Arthur didn\'t want to play according to his enemy plan. He was totally sure that if he did so, he would end up falling in his enemy\'s trap.

Arthur didn\'t know what his enemy was scheming this time, but he was quite positive it was something big.

So the only way Arthur thought of to topple his enemy\'s plans was through doing something unexpected.

He thought about something, something so stressful and very important for the enemy. So coming at such a target would put the dark angel mage at great disadvantage and force him to ditch all his earlier plans and send all his forces towards Arthur.

As such Arthur would defend all his forces and at the same time he wouldn\'t fall in his enemy\'s trap. In return, his forces would retaliate at the hasty retreating enemy forces.

That would increase the toll of the enemy losses by a large chunk. At the same time there was a simple fact that Arthur realized too late.

All these reinforcements didn\'t come from the higher realms! At first he mistook these forces to come from the highest worlds.

But after the last fight with the dark angel mage, Arthur realized that this mage was able to summon portals directly at any place he wanted.

As long as that place had his forces stationed around, as long as there was dark energy in the place, portals would appear.

The golden dragon confirmed this info to him. And so Arthur realized these reinforcements weren\'t from the highest realms.

They came from this world!

"So this is the main base that sent out all these great armies towards my men?" Arthur stood on top of the mountain while slowly watching the thick and curved black lines that stretched from that black dot at the horizon.

For him it looked like great black snakes were crawling endlessly from such a hole.

\'There is a big portal in the center of that base,\' Gege suddenly said, \'it prevents me from seeing it clearly from far distance, but from this nearby spot I can see it clearly.\'

\'Hehehehe, I won the bet then,\' the golden dragon laughed. Just while Arthur was trying to reach here as fast as he could, the three beings had a small bet against one thing.

The base was the origin of most of the enemy reinforcements, that was a given. But how come such a limited base had such power?

The system hypothesized that there was some sort of a summoning array in the entire ground of that base.

As for Gege, she said that many people there used hidden realms to summon their armies constantly from that base.

However the golden dragon betted that there was a big portal, one that could link to many places in this world.

As for Arthur, he heard all this and remained silent about that bet. For him he was bored and impatient to arrive at the base, and he also didn\'t care about the reason behind such great reinforcements.

He only cared about how he would crush such a base and destroy such a vital stronghold of his enemy. After all he didn\'t come here just to force the dark angel mage\'s hand to retreat his forces.

Arthur wanted to capture this rock of his enemy\'s chess pieces.. Next time he would be able to kill the queen before aiming at the king.

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