Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 45 - 45. Dust Settles


Magnus felt the Despair sword was feeling cold and the Hope sword was feeling warmer, as well as it was buzzing for some reason. Then, the Hope sword started shining brighter with each second. ​​

"THIS IS NOT GOOD!" Magnus exclaimed.

He had realised that the two swords were called Despair and Hope for a reason. The Despair was sucking in the energy from the Killing curse and transferring it to the Hope.

"Eh, this is useless anyway." Suddenly Moody grunted. Then the next second, out of nowhere, Moody threw something on the Killing Curse, making it blast off with whatever was thrown at it.

Seeing the curse gone, he looked at Moody in utter shock, "Did you just... throw your leg at the curse?"

"Eh... It was useless anyway. Now, what\'s with that sword?" Moody asked as if it was not a big deal that he just sacrificed his leg.

Magnus looked at Hope sword. "I don\'t know. It\'s got a lot of energy stored in it. It used to belong to King Arthur."

~QUICK! Raise it towards the sky.~ a voice told Magnus in his head.

Magnus didn\'t ask anything and did as asked. He pointed the Hope towards the dark cloudy sky that was still raining.

"What are you doing?" Dumbledore asked.

"This is no time for victory danc...." Moody stopped mid-sentence.


"HAAA..." Magnus voiced.

An ear-shattering boom came, but before the noise, they saw a white light leaving the tip of the Hope sword so fast that the sound came later. And by the time sound came, the light had reached the clouds and exploded into small white sand-like particles.

The clouds in the sky also dispersed because of this, and the first sunlight fell directly on Magnus, who still had his sword facing the sky. Many people saw this from the windows of their homes or shops. The Goblins, who were scared of coming out till now also saw it. They just realised that by not helping him, they messed up big time.

A certain small Beetle also saw everything that happened. In fact, the beetle was following Magnus the whole time.

The light fell on Magnus\' red eyes, lighting up his face and dark-blonde hair. His two swords shined differently in the light. Then, the sunlight expanded and covered the whole Diagon Alley. There was a lot of damage to some of the shops.

Magnus smiled as he looked at Moody. Magnus had just killed someone most likely. But, instead of regret, or pity, he felt weirdly nothing. His heart was telling him to feel bad, but his mind was telling him that he did right, as those people wanted to kill him anyway.

Suddenly, the scene from 2 and a half years reappeared in his mind, when he had seen the bus driver in the fire incident die and he talked with Bobby about it.


Magnus: Bobby, I feel that we are too young to talk about such things... I was honestly a bit scared, thinking that my end would be like that. That was why I tried so hard to break the window. But it also opened my eyes. We are so... weak... so easy to break. Our bodies are like glass.

Bobby: What should we do to get strong then?

Magnus: I don\'t know... Exercise maybe? A lot of it and keep ourselves prepared for any worse situation. That\'s all I can think of.

[Memory End]


"I\'m gonna need to buy the ice cream again, the boxes are probably under the rubble right now." He said.

Dumbledore came close to him and patted his shoulder, "You did good, Magnus. Much better than even me."

Moody nodded from the ground, "Damn right he did. Even well-experienced Aurors would lose to him. Blood of Merlin is strong in him, and with that sword, I have no doubt that he is meant to be the king. I mean, even nature is trying to flaunt his beauty by precisely pouring sunlight on his face."

"HAHA..." Magnus laughed and continued.

"What will you do with your leg now?" Magnus asked.

Moody shrugged, "Merlin knows... ah, it must be weird hearing us curse in Merlin\'s name."

He slowly got up with the help of Dumbledore, "I will get a fake leg now. But at least we got these Death Eaters. But, the cost was also big."

"You should ask my dad. He is a mechanical engineer. He can make you a metal leg, then all you will need to do is enchant it." Magnus advised.

"I\'ll see... Dumbledore, go back to Hogwarts now. Don\'t need any more attention." He said seriously.

Minister of Magic, Eugenia also came, "Yes, go back to Hogwarts. Your Majesty, thank you for your help. I would recommend you for the Order of Merlin."

Magnus just laughed and went away with Dumbledore.

"Seriously? Do you want to give "Him" the Order of Merlin? He is the bloody Merlin reincarnate..." Moody said to her face and hopped to the side to find a bench.

Magnus walked to the Leakey Cauldron with Dumbledore.

"Do you feel anything about the 2 deaths?" Dumbledore asked him.

"Yes, and no... It is unfortunate but it was necessary. I didn\'t want to kill them, I just used my powers to the best of my abilities to survive." Magnus answered.

"Yes yes, survival is the most important. Losing your life to people like them is one of the worst things that can happen to anyone. As their goal is a path of destruction, and to fight destruction, you need to rebuild it, it also means renovation by changing old things.

"I have lived with Muggles for many years and I must say, they are tenacious. They suffer and evolve. They fight and change. They do have problems, but none that threaten their entire existence. While what the blood supremacists believe in is the death of all Muggles and enslavement of all magicals who are not pure-blood." Dumbledore spoke in his old, tired voice.

Magnus sighed. "It\'s just been a few weeks since I came here. I guess, it\'s going to be long 7 years until I go back to my family."

"I believe you are wrong there, Magnus. Once you\'re in the Magical world, you never leave it. Yes, you can become ignorant, but is that the kind of person you are?" Dumbledore asked.

"You are a great speaker, did anyone tell you that?" Magnus complimented him.

Dumbledore proudly stroked his beard, "Why, I do have heard this compliment before."

In reply, Magnus blurted, "Heh, people say the same about Hitler."


Dumbledore was left speechless as Magnus went to eat a meal at the restaurant of Leaky Cauldron.


While Magnus was fighting for his life, his cat, Chad, was having an adventure in the Hogwarts. As a cat, it had the privilege of going into most of the places.

That was when Chad saw another cat. He had never seen such a hot cat before. A beautiful grey cat, plump for mating.

"MEOWWWW..." Chad followed the cat while making noise.

When the cat ignored him, he jumped towards her.


Animagus of Professor McGonagall was a cat. She liked this ability of hers as it was a testament to her transfiguration skills. This cat form was also very useful to her as she used it to keep an eye on students and make sure no unlawful activity took place.

But today, she found another cat, roaming the corridors and it was now following her.

She meowed at the cat to make it go away but the cat did not stop. She could feel the hunger in the cat\'s eyes. It was scary to her.

She ran and the cat followed. Then, it crossed all limits when it jumped on her.

Enraged, she slapped the fat cat away and turned back to her human form as nobody was around. She held the fat cat by his nape.

"You are a very undisciplined cat. You will get detention for 2 hours." She scolded.

"MEOW?" Chad was in shock at the moment. His love turned out to be a fake cat. It was heartbreaking.

"MWAAAAAAAA..." Chad cried.

[You can see McGonagall on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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