Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 113 - 113. Traitor?

Magnus later returned to the hospital and gave his mum the new clothes and also food.

He didn\'t have to wait for long and Dumbledore brought a doctor from St Mungo\'s hospital as promised. She seemed kind and addressed him with a lot of respect. ​​

"Your Majesty..." She bowed.

"Thank you for coming at such short notice. Can you help my dad? There are some broken bones and a lot of burnt skin." Magnus asked.

"Of course, but fixing bones is easier than the burns. You will need to put a thick mixture of a few potions on the burns, it will take some time, likely a few weeks but they will completely heal by then." The healer assured him.

Knowing this, both Grace and Adam had a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, I will not forget this help from St Mungo. If the hospital ever needs some assistance that I can fulfil, I will do it." Magnus offered.

"Oh, please call me Ruby, your majesty, I am one of the 3 heads of the hospital. And, I actually do want to say something, but I believe this isn\'t the time..." Ruby said while looking at Adam.

But Magnus entertained, "No it\'s fine, dad is in stable condition now. Please tell me what\'s bothering you."

Ruby made an embarrassed face and started, "Your Majesty, I feel uneasy while asking, but the hospital needs investment. You see, healing is a very expensive profession, we lack healers already, at the same time, as the number of Wizards soar, more patients are coming to us. But, because of the low staff, we need to keep the treatment costly to cover expenses.

"If you could... Invest in the hospital, we would be able to train more staff, reduce the cost of treatment and treat more wizards."

"Don\'t you also get funding from pure-blood families?" Magnus asked.

"Oh no, no... Most pure-blood families have their private healer. They never come to St Mungo, they consider it beneath them as we serve all wizards." She explained.

Magnus sighed. The whole structure of Magical Britain was crumbling, it seems. The ministry was so incompetent in everything he has seen till now, everything except pure-blood family appeasement.

"If that\'s the case, I would like to buy the hospital, but it will remain a public facility. I will only interfere if something unlawful or unethical takes place. In return, the hospital will receive funding, as well as an expansion to its building. But, for all this, there is one request from me." Magnus offered but stopped midway.

It was indeed possible to buy the hospital. At the time, it was Ministry Property, but if Magnus does create a new building and also invests, then his share would supersede the ministry and he would become the owner.

Ruby, who was already in love with the deal, immediately asked, "What is it, your majesty?"

"You see, my dear mum is a muggle heart surgeon. She loves everything about medical science and would love to see how a wizard hospital works. I want you to give her a private secret tour of the hospital." He demanded.

Ruby smiled, "That\'s it? It can be done, your majesty. As long as you own the hospital, you can do anything."

Magnus smiled and shook hands with her, "Amazing, I will send my lawyer to you soon. He will discuss the finer details later and get the contract signed."

Ruby happily shook his hand. Magnus was also happy now, today was a good investment day. He knew that in the future, there will be a population boom among Wizards, as after the previous war with Grindelwald, the British Wizarding World had suffered a lot, by losing many amazing wizards, whose bloodlines ended.

But, for his investments to reap some benefits, he needed to make sure that in the fight against Voldemort and his death eaters, not many wizards die, another reason for him to pursue the end of Death Eaters.

After handing them the potions and some other medicine, Ruby left. Even Dumbledore left without being asked to leave, but the old man did talk to Adam first, something he wanted to do for a while.

"Son, has Magnus told you that you are related to my family line?" Dumbledore asked.

Adam nodded and answered in whispers, "He did say something like that."

Dumbledore started, "I and my brother are the last Dumbledore left, but, by the grace of luck, we shared an ancestor hundreds of years ago."

Adam replied emotionally. "I\'m the last of my bloodline too, well, adding Magnus now there are two. Most of my relatives died during the bombings in World War. Only my parents and I were left, but soon they also succumbed to the disease. I guess we\'re in the same boat then."

Dumbledore nodded, feeling the emotional state of Adam. He went closer and gave a vial to him.

"This thing is too precious to be given to people, but, you are probably my great-great grand-nephew or something, so I think it\'s worth it. This vial has Phoenix\'s tears, put it in water and bathe in it, your burn wounds will immediately heal." Dumbledore explained. This was indeed a big thing he was doing, the price of a phoenix tear in the market was astronomical, that was if you could even find it there.


But suddenly they all saw Magnus facepalming himself strongly as if punishing himself.

~STUPID STUPID... There are so many Phoenixes in Camelot, I can create a fountain of Phoenix tears if I want... but... how will I make them cry?~ He cursed to himself.

"What happened, Magnus?" Dumbledore asked.

Magnus immediately focused, "Ah, nothing, professor. Thank you for this, and give my thanks to Fawkes too, tell him I will call for him soon. But, there is another problem. Dad is a muggle, if he magically gets healed so soon, people will go crazy."

"That is easily solvable, there are many illusion spells we can put on him," Dumbledore advised.

Magnus agreed, but he\'d ask Merlin in the portrait first, as he must know the best illusion charms.

"Thanks, professor." Magnus again thanked him. Anybody who was helping him in this situation would have his gratitude.

But, all of a sudden, Magnus had a thought click in his mind, ~Wait... If I become the king, that would make mum and dad royalty, Dumbledore is also a relative, would that also make him a royal too? Hmmmm...~

Everyone ignored Magnus\' sudden instances of internal thoughts.

That whole day, Magnus and Grace stayed with Adam. At night, they would bathe him in Phoenix tear water.

Magnus though was busy writing a reply to the Queen, he also had another demand.

"I did think it was you, good on you to clarify before I could do anything. Also, good for you to be controlling your family from doing anything they would regret. You can keep ruling until I\'m ready to take the throne, but, for that, we\'re going to have to start preparing. I will contact you again later.

"This aside, I want the government to grant 100,000 pounds(More than a million in today\'s market.) to the two soldiers who died in today\'s bombing.

Also, push the government to solve this mess faster. How can you even let your people die in such attacks as the queen?

But I guess it\'s too much to ask, you don\'t really have any power either. Bye then.

Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon."

He signed the letter and sent it to the queen.


While Magnus was with his family, words travelled fast in Hogwarts about his sudden disappearance. Severus and Ragnar didn\'t tell anyone about it, but this made people start suspecting the Death Eaters had something to do with it.

This in return, made some students start fearing more and Lucius knew how to take advantage of this incident. He had tried to invite students to his group with the dream of riches and power, now it was time to use fear.

But, instead of gathering lots of people and speaking to them, he went one by one. Talking to kids from influential families, scaring them about the future, about how if he doesn\'t join them, then when they win he will be in loss and no better than a blood traitor or muggle lover.

This technique worked. However, Ragnar and Severus also got the whiff of it and started their own campaign. They sent word to Magnus asking him if they should tell the students why he was away.

Magnus allowed and this eased the students a little. Then, they also started targeting the elite students, not elite in terms of family or money, but talent. They offered free tuition to anyone who wanted to improve themselves.

They even asked old Merlin in the portrait to take at least 1 class in a week, it didn\'t matter if he just told old stories, as students would be happy to even be listening to his words.

But, another problem came when the newspaper arrived. On the front page was an article, with the headline "A CHILD IN WIZENGAMOT? SPECIAL PRIVILEGES FOR MERLIN\'S DESCENDANT? HAS THE MINISTRY GONE INSANE?"

But, what troubled Ragnar and Severus was the author because this person was supposed to be on their side. Rita Skeeter was Magnus\' mouthpiece, and even got paid by him.

"Argh... I hate this woman now. I hope Magnus doesn\'t traumatise her too much, he hates losing money to pointless things, and she made all the money he invested on her worthless." Snape muttered.

"She\'s a traitor, she just showed her true face... Magnus should punish her for good. I kinda wanna see it happen though. Let\'s send the newspaper... Summer, come here girl." Ragnar said and sent Summer on a long journey to Magnus.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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