Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 123 - 123. Dragon Tales

"Hahaha... Calm down, Duck. You\'re not small anymore. How did you grow so huge in the first place?" Magnus asked the big dragon. He was at least the size of a minibus.

"Oh, I had a lot of books about how to feed and train a dragon. It seems the special diet did wonders for him. But, I\'m still unable to find what species of Dragon he belongs to." Grandma Martha arrived. ​​

Magnus also gave her a hug, "Well, do you think I can ride on his back?"

Duck looked at Magnus with his eyes brightened. He signalled Magnus to jump on his back.

"Hehe... I think you can ride. He refused everyone else, though maybe he was waiting for you," Martha revealed.

Excitedly, Magnus went to Duck and climbed on his back. He patted him too, "Boy, you\'re so young and already so gigantic, I wonder what a century of growth will turn you into."

"QUAAAACK..." All of a sudden Duck loudly quacked and jumped outside with Magnus on his back.

Magnus was uncontrollably laughing, hearing him Quack even now.

He held onto various spikes on Ducks\' back and enjoyed the view. He felt that Duck was also enjoying carrying him around, like a proud kid showing his achievements to his parents.

"Ah, no Duck, don\'t tilt your body so much, or I will fall," Magnus warned him.

Duck was getting used to carrying someone on his back. They flew around for an hour and in that time both of them learnt how to fly perfectly. While they were flying, a lot of Phoenixes, Hippogriffs and other flying magical beasts joined them and flew around them. They flew above the clouds, facing the wind on their faces.

It was a magical sight to behold. After that, they returned to the castle for breakfast. He remembered that he\'d also need to return home or else his parents would start worrying.

"Grandma, do you know how I can take Duck outside? I mean, how can he fly and be around me in the muggle world?" Magnus asked.

Martha was wearing a cute apron while hovering around the dining table and putting food on Magnus\' plate. Even Duck was sitting close by but his bowl was as big as the whole table.

"Of course, dear. I have trained little Duck and taught him some magical rune enchantments. They were drawn over his body by the Goblins. He can activate those Runes whenever he wants and turn invisible." Martha revealed.

Magnus looked at Duck intently, to notice the enchantments. Duck also turned to him and happily threw a piece of meat from his bowl at him.

Magnus chuckled, "Haha, good boy, sharing your food. I can\'t imagine how Summer and Chad will act after seeing you. But, I still don\'t know how I can keep you close to myself at all times."


"Hmm... Are you even a dragon? But, I guess now that you\'re so tall, you deserve a better name." Magnus said and started thinking.

Duck waited for the name with big eyes.

"Ummm... DUCKY?" Magnus muttered.

"That\'s not much different from now. Maybe something fearful will be nice." Martha advised.

"Duck the destroyer?" Magnus suggested.

"Hahaha... Just kidding, I\'ve already decided a name for him. He\'s family, so he will share my last name and for the first name, he will be ANNIHILUS, ANNIHILUS GRANT EMRYS PENDRAGON." He announced.

"WRAAAAAAAAW...." Duck looked upward and threw flames from his mouth in excitement.

"Hehe, he likes it. But, for me, he will always be Duck." Magnus added.

Martha was smiling, "A very good name, with his growth rate, I\'m sure he will surpass the size of all dragons to have ever existed."


"Here you go, child." Martha put more food in Duck\'s bowl.

"Heh, actually, I think I\'m going to take Duck for a little stroll later. But first I need to return home and inform them." Magnus told her and quickly returned home.



As soon as he returned he heard his mother\'s voice.


He went to the dining hall. The new house was so big, yet somehow Grace was able to shout loud enough to reach him. Nobody knew how she did it, maybe it was just a Mum\'s special power.

Now, although Magnus was full, seeing his favourite pancakes he decided to eat some extra calories today.

"Mummy, I will be going to Camelot today," he informed her.

"Oh, say my hello to Martha, and also to little Duck," Grace said.

Magnus chuckled, "Mum, Duck\'s grown big now. You can even fly on his back, but mentally he\'s still like a kid."

"REALLY?" Ragnar immediately asked. He was waiting for this day, ever since he had seen Duck, he was dreaming and working towards someday being able to fly on his back.

"Yes, and you will be coming with me today," Magnus replied with a wink.

"Mum, when will your invention be completed? I mean, just give me a rough estimate." Magnus asked.

"Oh dear, I\'m so close to completing it. Now I just need to file patents across the globe. I\'ve contacted Ted about it." She revealed.


"That\'s very fast. What about you, dad?" Magnus asked.

Adam proudly replied, "Hah... Your dad is awesome, I am creating a new type of car engine. But I\'m going to have to wait for a little while as I\'m also researching new types of batteries. I also need to gather some funds."

"Really? It\'s a very lucrative field, both cars and batteries. I think I must buy a car company now. Dad, I will invest in your project. Ah... I think I need an accountant now. Umm... Ted will see to it. Just inform him whenever you require funds." Magnus decided.

Adam and Grace were just speechless. Magnus\' spontaneous decisions always puzzle them. Where does he get the confidence to invest like this?

After eating, Grace and Adam left for their jobs. Ragnar and Magnus went to Camelot.

As soon as they arrived there, Ragnar also got a greeting from Duck, it was also being licked clean by the dragon\'s tongue.

"Ah, I forgot to tell you. Now his official name is Annihilus, with my surnames. Chad and Summer, say hello to Duck." Magnus introduced them.

But Chad and Summer seemed as if frozen there.


This was all it took them to recognise that this big dragon was indeed Duck. Summer flew near his head and sat down while Chad climbed on his back.

"Haha, this is a reunion I guess. Come on, Ragnar. We\'re going to meet the queen now." Magnus decided.

Ragnar was taken aback, "NOW? On him?"

Magnus nodded as he climbed, "Yes, on a DRAGON!"

Ragnar started laughing crazedly, "BWAHAHAHA... OH BOY! I\'m gonna love the show today."

"Wait... What should I wear? I can\'t go and meet her in my pyjamas. I need something intimidating." Magnus complained and tried to find clothes in his magic pouch. But, none of them looked cool.


"Dear, I will help you." Martha appeared out of nowhere.

"You\'re coming with us?" Ragnar asked.

"Of course, little Duck is still too wild sometimes, you need me to make sure nothing bad happens. Now, for your clothes, I just have the right dress, modern and intimidating. Hmm... Some high boots will make you look tall." She muttered.

"Pfft... Mag, you\'re small." Ragnar teased him.

But Magnus wasn\'t affected, "I\'m still growing... I just need some more milk, Huh..."

Soon, Martha helped Magnus with a new dress and it was indeed very nice. It had a nice grey t-shirt, with black cargo pants. There was a knife attached to his belt and finally, a long brown leather coat. He even had leather black gloves.

"This is good... I\'m sure the Queen will not take me lightly with this." Magnus commented.

"Hah... With a dragon, I think hardly anyone will take you not seriously." Martha jokingly replied.


Aberdeenshire, Scotland

Balmoral Castle,

It was a 165-year-old castle, surrounded by greenery. It covers an area of approximately 50,000 acres (20,000 hectares). It was a working estate, including grouse moors, forestry, and farmland, as well as managed herds of deer, Highland cattle, and ponies.

The 50,000-acre estate contains a wide variety of landscapes, from the Dee river valley to open mountains. There were seven Munros (hills in Scotland over 3,000 ft or 914.4 m) within the estate, the highest being Lochnagar at 3,789 ft (1,155 m).

With all these luxuries and a relaxing environment, it could be understood why the Queen spends her summer here.

Today, she had gone out to hunt a deer with her eldest son. It was a royal tradition to go on hunting and she loved doing it.

"Mum... You can do it..." Prince Charles encouraged his mother who was taking a shot at the deer not far away. They had been camping here for a while now.

"I know, dear son. I came on this vacation for relaxing... And what better way to relax than hunting..." The queen replied and pulled the trigger.


The loud shot rang in the grassy hills. There was just a jeep that they had brought with them. As it was all their estate, the security was tight around the boundaries, so there was no need for extra security.

"Bullseye!" She cheered after seeing the deer fall.

They high-five each other... But... Just then...


A loud ear-deafening sound came from the sky. It had a strange base to it, which even shook their hearts.

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Prince Charles asked in a panic.

The Queen was also visibly shaken as she looked towards the sky, "I...I don\'t know... Start the jeep... QUICK!"


This time the loud scream was closed and more intense. They even felt the ground shake.

And just then, suddenly a giant figure became visible in front of them. It was slowly descending, while the large wings flapped and created wind currents, strong enough to make their hats fly away.

Queen Elizabeth, for the first time in her life, saw a dragon. It was terrifyingly huge and scary, having many spikes on the body, with its scary scream, both she and Prince Charles felt their legs freeze.

Charles even fell back on his butt due to the strong wind, while the queen managed to stay standing after trying hard.

Duck was actually enjoying scaring these humans, he had also somehow made himself look different from before, as when playing with Magnus he would look cute and harmless but now he looked mean and angry. Magnus and the rest were also not visible on his back because he was too tall and his neck and head were covering them.


With a loud thud and dust flying, Duck landed majestically. He looked at the two small humans closely with his big yellow eyes, the two humans were frozen in fear, so he slowly opened his mouth.

Both the Queen and the Prince saw a small yellowish light becoming greater deep inside the dragon\'s pit-like mouth. They realised that it was the fire.

Duck was actually just scaring them. For the last time, he decided to roar on their faces. He made the nastiest face he could and did it.


The queen and the prince felt as if souls left their bodies, they held each other\'s hand tightly. Prince Charles even started praying, "M-May God have mercy on us... SAVE US!"

[You can see the Balmoral Castle and Duck on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic and the new Crazy Multiverse Fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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