Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 140 - 140. Snatching Land

When Magnus arrived at the top of Camelot castle and showed Fawkes around, the phoenix made happy and exciting noises. The whole island was nothing less than a mythical land, where all lived in harmony.

"Calm down, Fawkes. You need to act cool and good to impress a good phoenix lady. Don\'t run behind each phoenix lady you see, or you might offend someone\'s husband and get beaten up." Magnus warned the excited phoenix. ​​


"Welcome, my child. Is this the one you were talking about?" Martha arrived.

"Yes, this is the desperate Phoenix I told you about. Do you know any single phoenixes around here?" Magnus asked her.

"Hehe, of course. Phoenixes are extinct around the world and only here are they thriving, so I manage their population well, all males will someday find a female. If Fawkes want one, I got one." Martha explained.

Ragnar chuckled and joked, "Haha, so you are also Grandma Pimp?"


"AH... that hurt." On Ragnar\'s head, a stone fell out of nowhere, obviously a punishment from Martha.

They then followed her and arrived at the jungle. Though they were still not outside the castle, there was a fricking jungle in an open space of one of the castle\'s giant balconies. The place was full of so many amazing and beautiful birds, making different sounds.

"This place sounds like the summer we imagine in our dreams," Magnus commented. He didn\'t really like the real summer though, as it was too hot. But, now being a wizard and his blood properties, he was nice with high temperatures most of the time. It\'s just that he still sweats a lot.

"Just let Fawkes fly around now and someone will eventually be interested in him," Martha advised.

Magnus turned his head to Fawkes on his shoulder, "Go, boy, you can do it."

Fawkes made a loud screech with his wings open and flew away. His entrance didn\'t go unnoticed and many Phoenixes followed him to know who this new Phoenix was.

Magnus had nothing else to do now, while Ragnar went to study some potion with Martha.

He went to find where Duck was, after all, he had the best bonding with Duck. Just like what Fawkes was to Dumbledore, Duck was for him, but he just couldn\'t always keep him close by.

He took a broom and started looking around at the island, to find the dragon. After searching for half an hour, he finally arrived at the grasslands, and sure enough, Duck was there. But, something was going on as a lot of animals were gathered there.

Duck and a few others sat on the side while others ran in lines.

~Are they organising races?~ he wondered.


He jumped down on Duck\'s back. Duck initially was about to rage jump but when he realised it was Magnus he calmed down.

"What\'s going on, Duck?" He asked and patted his head.

Duck turned into a little pup and started trying to lick Magnus\' face, but Magnus was sitting on his back.

All the other animals were looking at him at the same time. Some curious, some a bit alert and scared.

"Hello, everyone. Today, all of you will be treated to a feast, from me." He announced.

That was all it took to make them start jumping in joy. It was very strange to see herbivores and carnivores playing around together. But it seems generations of living in peace and comfort would do this.

"Duck, let\'s fly around." Magnus decided. He missed the feeling of flying fast.

Until the afternoon, Magnus spent his time playing around on the island. But he had other work to do too. He had spent many days of his holidays practising and strengthening his body. Now it was time for magical powers, but only Merlin could help in that.

He returned to his home after that, but Ragnar decided to remain at Camelot. When he arrived home, he found someone was ringing the doorbell.

He opened and found Venessa, his new secretary. "Oh, what brought you here?"

"I was trying to reach you, Mr Grant. But nobody picked up the phone." She informed him.

"Ah, I was not home. What\'s the matter?" He asked her. Abe and George had hidden themselves.

"I was informed by Mr Tonks to take you to show some plots of land you would be interested in." She answered.

Magnus felt rejuvenated quickly. "Let\'s go then."

With Venessa, he looked at a few places. He wanted to create a hospital, and it was going to be an internationally famous one. So, it would be good if it was close to major transportations. Like the subway and the airport. So, he was very choosy about it.

But, even after seeing 5 land plots, he couldn\'t bring himself to like them. Some were too far away, some were too small. None felt like the perfect spot.

"What will you be building, sir? I was not told about it." She meekly asked. She was curious as to why would Magnus need so much land.

Magnus turned to her with bright eyes, "A giant hospital, with college."

She looked at Magnus with an inspired face, ~He\'s so kind, thinking about people.~

Too bad, she didn\'t know that Magnus may be doing good, but he would almost never do it at the cost of his own interests. This hospital was going to generate immense wealth and goodwill for him, plus it would fulfil the dream of his dearest mum, and that was the best return of his investment.

"Show me the list of all the sites." He asked her.

She handed him a paper with all the addresses. Magnus checked them all and looked for the one closest to the airport.

There was one, but a question mark was in front of its name. It was a large piece of land just beside Richmond park. It was very big and also facing the River Thames on one side. So, he asked her to take him there so he could inspect it himself, and indeed, it was perfect land. It was close to the airport, just 20 minutes away, even the subway station was not too far. But, to make his new hospital better connected, he would need to extend the subway and also create some bridges on the River Thames.

The whole campus was going to be humongous. As the land\'s size was 2.70 sq km(667 acres). Just for comparison, the biggest hospital in the world in campus size was not even half of this size, sitting at 200 acres. This was enough space for Magnus to create the best facilities for medical care.

"This one seems good, why didn\'t you take me here before?" He asked her.

She hesitantly answered, "Actually, this land has already been allotted to a company to create a golf course and a few houses for the rich. But Mr Tonks did say that it wouldn\'t be a big problem for you to snatch it from them so I kept it for the last."

Magnus nodded, of course, he could take this land. Besides, a hospital was much more valuable than a golf course. "It\'s decided then, I will take this land. Drop me back home will you."

He soon reached home and went to his room to write a letter to the queen. He wrote like he was a sweet child, talking to his grandma.

"...Grandma Liz, I want to make this big hospital, later, it will be known around the world as the best hospital and because it would be made by me, the prestige of the monarchy will increase. So, help me get this land please... Of course, at a discounted price for your grandson. They were going to make a golf course and a few houses for the rich here anyway." He wrote with some sugarcoating words. It would take a lot of time for her to really earn Magnus\' full trust.


Just as he was sending Summer to deliver the letter, another owl flew in. It was from Emma.

"MAGNUS, COME FAST. I MADE A VERY FAST NEW BROOM." These were the only words in the letter.

~Hmm... she\'s probably bluffing. But, I do need to go to Diagon Alley to meet those crazy men from the so-called Army of Merlin. I need to organise them before they do something stupid.~ He told himself and called George.


Diagon Alley,

Rita Skeeter had her own small office now, all because Magnus told her to live in this location, to never lose touch with what\'s going on around.

She was currently ordered to write a book about Magnus, that would show how great he was.

~... Unlike what most of the so-called Dark Lords and powerful wizards say, that they are born to rule and lead, His Majesty, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon is in all reality, born to be a king, rule and lead.

He has already started leaving a mark on this world at the small age of 12. It\'s exciting to imagine what is to come next.

But, without the support of the people, no government or king can bring good change. Here too, it is for us to decide, do we want this world to become better or not?

We put our trust in the Ministry once, and they tried to take away his majesty\'s wealth. Now, he\'s the only choice left.

I have made my decision, now it\'s time for you to decide. When the tides of the darkness lurking around the corners reach you, will you have the confidence in your mind that you chose the right side?

I wish you luck that you choose the right one, because I am putting my faith in the descendant of Merlin. If Merlin could defeat the Dark goddess, like Morgan le Fey, then it shouldn\'t be hard for Merlin\'s descendant to defeat some no-name self-proclaimed Dark Lord.

Because we must ask ourselves, is this "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named" even worth being named?

For my last words, I will only say this. I am not ashamed of saying it loud and nobody else should be, ALL HAIL HIS MAJESTY, MAGNUS GRANT EMRYS PENDRAGON, THE WIZARD KING.

The End,"~ She finished writing the last part of her book called "Birth Of The Wizard King, A Dragon Among Snakes".

It was a very good name given by Rita. Even though she lacked a brain in some places, when it came to writing sensational stuff she was amazing. The title of the book had such a deeper meaning if one wanted to think about it. The word, "Wizard King" was easy to understand, but the second part, "A Dragon Among Snakes" had a special meaning. Because he was in Slytherin, the house\'s symbol was a snake, and the Death Eaters he was fighting were also mostly from Slytherin, aka Snakes. While he was related to Arthur, said to be having Dragon Blood.

She was sweating while writing this end part. She was now going to be targeted by purebloods for sure, even worse actually, Death Eaters.

But, she knew that this was the best way to develop some goodwill from Magnus. Right now, she was literally putting her everything into the faith that Magnus would eventually win this war.

[A/N: Magnus will start something very big in the coming chapters. I don\'t think this has ever been used in any other Harry Potter fanfic as I haven\'t seen it yet. After that, there will be a time skip and the 2nd year will start.

The coming school years will not be as long as the 1st year though.

Btw, if you guys have any requests or ideas then do share them, I will try my best to include them. Something that could make the story better, a badass scene, a wholesome scene or anything else.

For example, I have taken an idea from what Unchi commented a few days back, he will know what it was when that chapter comes out in the future.]

[You can see the land location on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 21 advance chapters or my Naruto fic and the new Crazy Multiverse Fic on -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

Thank you for your support!

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