Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 158 - 158. Don't Let Me Down

At the door, Tom and Magnus heard the gunshots. The man who was closing the door was shocked a bit by this. By the time he realised he needed to close the door, Magnus had already jumped forward with a punch.

"SUPER NUTCRACKER PUNCH!" he shouted and really used 100% of his power into this. It landed directly on the man\'s crotch. ​​


It was an uppercut punch to the balls, so strong that the man actually flew a few feet in the air, at the same time a very gross sound came from where Magnus had punched, it was the same sound that comes from stepping on big cockroaches, crunch sound of their skeletons breaking.

There was no pain, the man passed out immediately, with not just his balls destroyed, but even his intestines were destroyed from it.

"LET\'S GO!" Magnus told Tom.

Tom was in a daze, he also felt the pain for some reason. ~Maybe If I had shot him, he would have appreciated it.~

"AH! YES, stay behind me, Magnus" Tom returned to his senses and entered with the gun out.

Immediately after, Tom fired the first round, as a man jumped in front of them from a room. He was trying to run deeper inside the building.

Magnus meanwhile was using his special ability to sense all the criminals here. All of them were going to die, that was for sure, some might die today, some in a few days.

"Let\'s regroup with Adrian, gunfire is coming from there constantly," Tom said. He was on an adrenaline rush right now, he was putting his life in real danger. And this was also his first time shooting at a real human.

"AH, LEFT!" Magnus shouted as soon as he sensed a man on the stairs on their left.

But, it was too late, he had already jumped on Tom, pinning him down. Both of them were trying to brawl, the man had a knife that Tom was trying to keep away.

It seems the man had not seen Magnus, so he silently walked behind him and used all his strength to bash the metal bat on the man\'s head.


It sounded much louder than a home run, this was a death run. His hit was so strong that it didn\'t just break the man\'s skull but also splattered his brain around.

Magnus himself was shocked by this gore, ~Damnit... Calm down, Magnus, these are muggles.~

But, immediately his mind changed, ~NO! They are child traffickers and pedos.~

Meanwhile, Tom pushed the man\'s dead body away, the brain matter had also splattered on him, drenching his clothes in red blood. He looked at the huge missing chunk on the dead man\'s skull. He had seen many gory crime scenes so it didn\'t make him vomit. He was in a rush at the time and failed to realise that Magnus, a kid, had killed someone. Instead, he was shocked by Magnus\' crazy strength. "Thanks, Magnus. And no wonder you could bend steel, that man lost his bloody brain in one swing,"

Magnus embarrassingly scratched his head, unsure if he should say thank you right now.

Next, they continued to move in, every once in a while Tom would fire his gun at someone, sometimes there were too many so Magnus would silently cast a charm and make them fall, this way he also got to take action. He would simply slam his bat on their necks, breaking them and killing them, with a suffocating death.

Tom was also shooting left and right, but he was not killing all, his aim was only at the torso, but sometimes he\'d mistakenly shoot their heads.

"HOW MANY ARE THERE?" Tom wondered.

Magnus was still feeling the surrounding, then he replied, "About 28 more. This was their base, it seems."

~Of course, this is the 30 years of Oscar\'s hard work.~ Magnus thought to himself.

After a while, they started finding the way to the basement while dealing with men left and right. It was surely going to be hidden somewhere.



"DOWN!" Tom shouted and proned on the floor. Magnus had done the same.

A bullet had hit Tom\'s arm. He clenched his teeth and glared at the many holes on the walls. Magnus cast a low-level healing spell on his arm secretly, reducing his pain.

"How the hell do they have assault rifles? Were they preparing for war or something? Are they related to IRA?" Tom loudly wondered while gunshots were destroying the walls. There were probably three men on the other side of the room.

Just then, they saw Adrain come to them, and he was also crawling. "They are not IRA, they are much worse. They are child traffickers and paedophiles. They have been active for the past 30 years, kidnapping more than 1500 children. None were found again."

Tom sucked in a cold breath, this was a huge development. He was not dealing with a small group, but probably a huge criminal organisation.

"Here, take this." Adrian passed him an SLR (Self-Loading Rifle).

After that, when the men on the other side of the wall started reloading, Adrian and Tom fired. Unsuspecting that the other side also had such weapons, all three men died.

"That\'s it, there are no more, at least not on the ground above," Magnus stated.

Tom stared at him, "Wait, how are you guessing this? Earlier you said there were 28 people? How?"

"Let\'s find the entrance to the basement." Adrian immediately nudged them, saving Magnus the explanation.

They tried to search everywhere, they lifted every single carpet, but the entrance could not be found anywhere. Magnus and Adrian had rejected the idea of apparating there because it would be a closed area and there were kids, if a gunfight started, those kids might be harmed.

The three turned silent and looked around. Magnus meanwhile started tapping his hand on the walls. After about 20 minutes of silence, Magnus exclaimed.

"HERE!" he called the other two.

"What? There\'s just a wall." Tom said annoyedly.

Magnus had taken out his wand, Adrian understood what was going on. He shook his head in disappointment, "So the Statute of Secrecy has also been broken by him."

Magnus looked at Tom and asked, "What about him?"

"We will obliviate him later, at least the part where he saw it," Adrian replied.

Tom got angry, "WHAT? What are you talking about? What is this Statute of Secrecy? What Obliviate?"


With a sigh, Magnus turned to the wall and flicked his wand, "Revelio!"

In a shocking scene to Tom, a door appeared on the wall from thin air. His jaw fell. "Wha-Where did this come from?"

"It was always there, Uncle Tom," Magnus replied.

Too uneasy with the mystery, he quickly touched the door and tried to open it, to see if he was hallucinating. But, it was the wrong move.



A red light came from downstairs and hit Tom on his chest, sending him flying back. But thankfully he wasn\'t too hurt, just a few ribs cracked.

"Rennervate!" Tom was only hit by a stunning spell, so Magnus cast a revival spell on him.

Without even crying in pain, he stood up again, "WHAT IN THE GOD\'S NAME WAS THAT?"

Magnus and Adrian looked at each other with a sigh. Adrian took out his wand, "Wizards,"

"BLOODY JINX," Magnus cursed himself.

This was the worst-case scenario, now making sure those kids will be safe got harder.

"How many are there?" Adrian asked.

Magnus stayed silent for a minute before answering, "3 Wizards."


Continuously, various lights were coming up from the basement. The entrance was small so the enemy wizards just needed to keep on sending their charms and curses to make sure nobody could enter.

"Apparition?" Magnus asked.

Adrian silently tried to do it, but nothing happened, "Wards,"

"What is all this, Magnus? What are these lights?" Tom was absolutely confused and a little scared. This was not science, this was something occult.

"Just breathe, Uncle, trust me, I know what I am doing. Police cannot stop those men. Only we can. So please, stay back." Magnus requested with a calm voice.

Tom shut his mouth and put faith in Magnus. He knew this was not the time to talk, the safety of kids was important.

Magnus looked at the entrance intently, many spells were coming out of it. His mind was running dozens of scenarios, hundreds of ideas.

"What\'s the plan?" Adrian asked, knowing Magnus only went silent when thinking deep.

"There\'s only one way now. Stay behind me and kill them if you can." Magnus replied and walked to the side of the door.


A metal rubbing sound came, with that, a big sword was in Magnus\' hand, firmly held in front of him. He used his other hand too, to hold it in a way that its blade would cover him.

~I guess this is the time to see if Arthur was telling the truth about this sword. Despair, don\'t let me down.~ he talked to himself and moved.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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