Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 191 - 191. Training


Magnus arrived at his castle. It was cleaned and prepared for the week-long training session. ​​

"Abe, prepare some drinks for us. And pour this into Moody\'s. If it works on him, it can work on anybody." Magnus said.

"Aye aye, sir." Abe headed to the kitchen to make the special magical drinks.


Moody appeared in the castle. Followed by Flitwick. Magnus first made small talk with him and then called Abe.

Moody, unsuspecting of anything, took the last glass and drank it in one go. "Now that flowery greetings are done, let\'s start the training. We don\'t have time to waste. If no CONSTANT VIGILANCE then you might lose your life."

~Argh... If he stays excited like this, I won\'t know if the potion works.~ Magnus thought.

"Yes yes... let\'s train. So what spell do you want me to try?" Magnus asked.

"Simple, Cruciatus Curse and Imperius Curse. To save yourself from these curses you need to make sure you understand them first. No better way than to perform them." Moody suggested.

But Flitwick seemed offended. "But teaching those to a child is not acceptable."

Moody grunted with a roll of his fake eye, "You\'re right, but normal children don\'t face 4 assassination attempts in 2 years. Normal children are not the next King of Britain and Merlin\'s heir. Common sense went out of the bucket as soon as he started using magic.

"Besides, the Ministry allowed these spells to be used by us now."

Flitwick wanted to say something but didn\'t. Yes, when you look at the record, Magnus did need this training.

"Fine, but we must be careful. Those negative emotions can affect a person\'s mind. We don\'t want Mr Pendragon to have any bad thoughts now." Flitwick agreed unwillingly.

Magnus just let them fight. He already knew how to perform these spells. Did they really think he would not try out the 3 most hated curses? He had tested them on fake dummies in the Room of Requirements.

"MAGNUS! LET\'S START!" Moody shouted all of a sudden.

Magnus jolted back, ~I-Is this the effect of the potion? He becomes more zealous than before? But I don\'t see any physical changes?~

"How are we going to test it? Do you want me to try it on you?" Magnus asked them.

"Of course, it\'s not like you can hit me." Moody proudly replied.

But Magnus didn\'t agree, "Are you sure? I mean... Merlin was called the prince of enchanters for some reason. I nearly won a fight with Professor Flitwick too."

"CONSTANT VIGILANCE! Let\'s test it on the dummies." Moody shouted his favourite slogan before speaking and changing his mind. He very much wanted to keep his remaining leg intact.

Magnus was unable to understand if this was a side effect or just simple Moody?


"Where are you running, Ragnar? You will learn to fight too. Flitwick will teach you how to use a sword to fight magically. There are many ways you can enchant your sword in the middle of a fight." Moody pulled Ragnar who was trying to silently run away. He just threw him at Flitwick.

"COME AT ME, MAGNUS! COME!" Moody took the position to start a duel.

~Has he gone mad?~ Magnus wondered and felt that Ragnar\'s potion needed some more studying done. He\'d rather not have crazy old men running around shouting "Come at me" at young boys.

Funnily, this was how the week-long camp started. Magnus understood that although it was very important to read theoretical knowledge and become a runemaster too, if he didn\'t have practical experience then none of it would matter.

If he wants to be seen as the greatest wizard of all time, then he needs to become strong enough to never lose a fight. Even with Voldemort.

During the whole week, Magnus didn\'t just learn the physical uses of some spells, but also how to fight efficiently. How to not lose focus and anticipate your enemy\'s moves.

Moody was good at defeating enemies by being the better and faster magic caster, meanwhile, Flitwick was good at anticipating and countering spells, something he had honed in his days of duelling.

Magnus in these days became much better. The mistakes he made during the duel with Flitwick and the fight with Cuddles were not going to be repeated. Those mistakes were the result of his cockiness and overconfidence, because of constant wins.

Moody was someone who liked to scare the hell out of someone. During the lessons, he would constantly tell him real stories of what had happened to some Aurors. How some lost their arms, eyes, or half of their body. Some got their bones removed and turned them into a dead blob, some exploded in the air.

This scared Magnus a little because he now understood that his enemies only need one lucky shot and that might be the last thing he would see.

In terms of the number of charms, Magnus had a lot of diversity, so all he needed to do was to make sure was he was up to the mark to utilise them.

Though he knew that there were many more spells in Merlin\'s book, spells that were exclusive to him. And once he learned all of them, he would probably become invincible. But one thing he learned from the demise of Merlin was that nobody is ever invincible. There is always someone with a bigger sword standing behind you.


Magnus and Ragnar practised with their swords. Ragnar had the old King Ragnar\'s sword. It was enchanted to be always sharp, and release slight poison too. It was made by someone who was trying to replicate goblin methods.

"You can use your potions too, Rag." Magnus reminded him. He also had his wand, and held it in the other hand.

Ragnar smiled, "Hehe, I know that, Magnus. Look down once."

Magnus looked and gulped, "AH!... you slimy bloke... what is this, acid?"

"Yes, it is also very sticky. So you can see it as a spider\'s nest on constant fire." Ragnar replied smugly as if he had already won.

But Magnus also had a smirk on his face, "Then look behind yourself."

Ragnar quickly turned around. There was nothing.


Magnus suddenly arrived in front of him and punched his face, throwing him back. "Rule one, never listen to what your opponent wants you to listen to. You looked back, that was your mistake."

"But you looked down too," Ragnar argued.

"Because I know your style. I knew you wouldn\'t come running at me to do a physical attack. Besides, even if you had, I have the ability to cast charms in split seconds. You don\'t have that. So remember, CONSTANT VIGILANCE!" Magnus said, mimicking Moody.

"Absolutely correct. I taught you well." Moody entered the sparing arena. He had a happy look on his face.

"Your training is done. New Year is here, I\'m sure you need to return home." Moody reminded him.

Magnus facepalmed, "Argh... How could I forget the royal dinner? Ragnar, pack your stuff, we\'re leaving."

Before leaving, Moody praised him. "You were a good student. Although the field of magic is limitless, when it comes to beating their arse, I think you\'re well qualified. Take care now. I need to report back."

Magnus appreciated it. The fact that he even came to teach him was surprising enough. Professor Flitwick had already left. He needed to start preparing for the new semester.

Magnus called Abe and arrived at home. As soon as he reached there, Grace handed him and Ragnar a suit.

Magnus sighed, "I hate going to these parties."

Grace pulled his cheek softly, "Really? But you\'re the one who brought us into all this. You can\'t ditch us now."

"Well, we\'re kids, so at least we can act dumb and have fun there," Ragnar said, already ready in the new suite. He was always excited about muggle parties and gatherings since he\'s never seen many of them.

"Fine, how many people will be coming?" He inquired.

Grace shrugged, "I don\'t know dear. There should most likely be a lot of political leaders and nobles. Maybe even a head of state."

Adam came out of his room. "How do I look?"

Magnus laughed, "I guess Crown Prince has to look the most dashing."

Adam made a long sighing sound. "I can\'t wait for you to grow up and take away this burden. I\'ve been constantly wasting my time in these meet-ups."

Magnus went ahead and hugged him, "Thank you, Dad. You are a big help. You too, mum."

"Aww... Come here, my little princes." She hugged them both and kissed their foreheads.

After that, they headed out, in the electric vehicle. These days, if people saw this car on the road, it was automatically understood who was inside.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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