Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon


Magnus walked with Lord Mountbatten to the embassy, which was the only place he could freely talk without worrying about anybody listening.

"The contract has been signed. You can start loading 15 million metric tonnes of oil. The tankers have been enchanted to hold more than their capacity so there should not be any problem. Just take them back to the storage facility back home, Emrys Construction should have built the storage facility by now." He informed and also instructed him. ​​

Lord Mountbatten noted everything in his mind. Such deals were meant to be a secret, fewer documents meant the best. But he was actually awed by Magnus right now. The way Magnus carried himself reminded him of a military officer, whose work is quick and precise.

"Your Majesty, I have a suggestion for you." He spoke.

Magnus stopped speaking, wondering what it was, "It is?"

"If you want to become a well-respected king, then I suggest that you join the armed forces as soon as your school is over. You can earn some credentials and achievements there, as well as earn the respect of our military. History has been the witness that presidents, prime ministers and kings who had the military experience have been much loved because their background incites certain confidence in people\'s hearts." Mountbatten suggested, his face plain and stern.

Magnus nodded. He already knew the importance of such things. Though he could already be considered a well-experienced soldier as he had fought and killed, but he couldn\'t tell that to the muggle world.

"I agree with you, which service should I join?" He inquired.

Mountbatten had the answer ready, "Army, of course, the word is very peaceful now. The Air Force is out of the question, as they are usually lone wolves and don\'t require any leadership abilities. The Navy is good but in today\'s world, there won\'t be any large scale naval battles. That leaves the Army, and since armed conflicts are common around the world, you can easily gain reputation."

Magnus felt that the old man was right. The Vietnam war was also coming to an end, with the defeat of the States, but nobody talked about that.

He made up his mind, "All right then, you know I already have great experience in warfare? And by the time I complete my school, I might even have experienced a bloody war. So joining the normal army is out of the question."

"What are you thinking,?" Mountbatten asked.

Magnus answered proudly, "Well, I want to join the best unit of the Army if I am to join. So keep a position open for me to join SAS in 1977."

"A-Are you sure?"

"Yes, now I will leave everything to you. I need to return home. Bye-bye." He waved his hands and headed to the portkey room in the Saudi palace and returned to his country.


He arrived back in London, it was already nighttime. So he decided to go to his home and see his mum and dad.

He knocked on the door and Grace opened it with a big smile on her face, "We were just talking about you, sweetie. What happened today? Why were they looking for you?"

He entered and hugged his mother first. She also kissed his forehead. "Nothing, mum. I had to go to Saudi Arabia and meet the king, for some work. It was successfully done. You will know the reason in a few months.

"Oh, how are you?" He asked, remembering that he was soon going to become a big brother.

She ruffled his hair, "What could happen to us? Come, I am cooking dinner. Didn\'t Ragnar come?"

"No, he\'s probably busy at Flamel\'s house studying. Let him be." Magnus said and lazily entered.

"MEOWW! HORRR!" Summer and Chad quickly came running from the living room. Seeing him they became cheerful and jumped on him to hug him.

"Hehe... okay okay, I did not leave you forever. How are you two?" he caressed his two pets. Both of them started to purr in happiness.

Grace chuckled, "Hehe, they just stay at home and watch television all day. Now with more channels coming up, there are a lot more things to watch."

"What about dad? How is his work going?" he asked, not seeing Adam in the living room.

"Well, he is busy in his workshop, still working. He said he\'s upgrading his engine a little to make it more efficient with the batteries. Oh, and Bobby came a few days ago, he left some box for you." Grace remembered and informed him.

He nodded and went to the storeroom to get the box. It was a normal cardboard box, opening it he found a letter first. "Mag, check out our company\'s latest product. Well, Motorola also launched something somewhat similar in April, we launched it in June. But ours is much better than theirs, though they have filed a lawsuit against us, Ted will be taking care of it."

Magnus wondered what it could be, and he remembered the thing about the lawsuit. Nobody gets to mess with him, of course, unless he is wrong.

He opened one of the 4 small boxes. It did not have a label on it, so it was probably a prototype. Taking it out, he found a palm-sized rectangular object with round edges, there was also something like an antenna protruding out from the top. There was also a screen, probably 1.5 inches from both sides. Then there were some buttons on it, numbered from 0 to 9.

"Is this the wireless phone he was talking about? This is so... small..." Magnus was amazed by this device. He took out the user manual and checked how to operate it.

Quickly, he learned how to use it. He pressed the rightmost button below the screen, just below the contact option.


Immediately a small list appeared. It had numbers, of Bobby, Ted, Adrian, Edgar. He quickly pressed the green button after selecting Bobby.

He put it near his phone. *Truuu Truuu...*

Magnus did not know what this sound was, was his call going through or not? He wondered. *KACHAK*


Magnus was taken aback, the sound was pretty clear, "This... how did you do it? How did you make it so small?"

"Hehe, for a battery of course your dad helped, then I poached some very good engineers from a few Japanese companies. I made an offer they could not refuse, and they were happy to move to Britain with their whole families. We were able to make 50KB of storage space. Then we just needed to make the receiver and transmitter small. It is a very delicately put together piece of hardware. This is the greatest technological marvel of our company.

"For now, only London has a coverage signal, and there are just a handful of devices in the works anyway. I sent four pieces for you. Give them to uncle and aunt." Bobby enthusiastically explained everything.

"What about the cost? What\'s with this lawsuit?" Magnus questioned.

"Ah, it\'s nothing. The cost is just 1500 pounds(£16,072.8 in today market.). The one from Motorola is worse than our product, slower, lesser battery and it\'s like a brick. It costs about 4000 dollars, while ours only costs 3600 dollars. And I poached some engineers from their research department so they probably think I stole their tech, haha, I am going to counter sue them for a lot of money." Bobby explained.

Magnus liked where this was going, "Then I wish you luck and happy hunting. Teach them a lesson. All right, I\'ll go and show this to mum and dad now."

"Bye then, see you later." Bobby hung up.

After that, the first thing Magnus did was learn how to fully operate the phone and change the name Brandon Steel Armstrong to just Bobby.

~Huh, he thought he could change his name now? He was and will always be Bobby.~ Magnus muttered to himself in satisfaction while performing the same thing on the remaining phones.

After that, he just picked up the three phones and headed to the dining table. "MUM! DAD! Look, Bobby sent these cell phones. With these, you two can talk to each other no matter where you are, as long as you are in London."

"He made it so fast? This is amazing!" Adam was excited about this. Bobby had intensively discussed it with him when he came to ask for permission to use the batteries on the phones.

"Then, can we also talk when you are at school?" Grace asked him. She misses her two sons whenever they are away from home.

"Sorry mum, but I don\'t think it will work. But I might be able to do something about it that can make it work. I will try after going back to Flame house." Magnus planned. Nicolas had already created electrical items that could run with magic, now he needed to learn that.

[You can see FutureTek Phone on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



You can read 14 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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