Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 274 - 274. Dreams... Squashed.

[WARNING: Some dark sexual unsettling scenes at the end, not too detailed but they were needed for the character\'s development. Her mistakes needed to have some repercussions, even after so much had changed she refused to see the reality.]


Magnus\' view of Emma changed from that day. She wholeheartedly cared for him, the Boggart does not lie. Although Emma was embarrassed and made fun of by the school for a while, Magnus warned them not to take it too far. So they soon stopped bullying her.

Though many hearts were broken that day as many girls thought either Emma was dating him or she had already proven how much she liked him. After all, no other girl had her Boggart related to the safety of Magnus.

Emma was embarrassed but Magnus did not make fun of her. Instead, he acted much better with her now, giving her full respect and didn\'t always keep her out of the group.

The first step to make her safe was to teach her occlumency and he was doing just that. But since she was not as exceptionally smart as Ragnar and Severus, it was a slow process. But he had the alchemical stone, mind stone, that he had gifted Bobby.

It lets one focus on one subject entirely and that helps a lot.

"Ah, no no, Emma, that\'s not how you do it. It won\'t work if you just think about it. You need to use magic. Okay, hold my hand, maybe you just don\'t know how magic physically feels and that is why you do not perceive it. Just like when you look at an illusion with a hidden image. At first, you can\'t see anything in it, but once you have seen the hidden image you can not see the illusion again." He explained and extended his hand towards her.

Both of them were sitting in the room of requirements, she was let in on this secret finally.

Emma felt her heart\'s gonna burst out. ~H-He... he wants me to hold his hand. Wait... is this a date? No, Emma, don\'t be so dumb, he\'s just teaching you.~

She slowly held both his hands with hers. Magnus then looked straight into her sparkling greyish eyes. To be honest, he was a dense boy, but not so dense to not know that Emma liked him a lot. So he was just teasing her at this point while teaching her.

"What are you doing, hold it tight." He scolded her.

"YES!" she, like a little kitten, responded.

Magnus then put his wand between their hands. One holding the back of it and one the tip. Then he cast a strong Lumos spell. The good thing about this spell was that the more magic he would use the brighter the light would be.

So he went overboard. "So, do you feel anything? Hey, stop looking at my face and focus on the magic."

He was holding his laughter when she blushed and quickly turned her gaze. She focused on the feeling in her hands, "I... it feels warm, ticklish and smooth." ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Yup, that\'s what magic is. That\'s how it feels. You need to keep this feeling in mind when you try to use Occlumency. Now, let\'s do it again." He retracted his hands.

"Do what?" She asked dumbly.

"Occlumecy, what else. Let\'s continue. Focus on your magic and look into my eyes. I will try to send a simple probe into your mind and you need to stop it. Don\'t worry, I won\'t send enough to look at your memories. I have promised all my friends that we won\'t ever look into each other\'s memories." He assured her.

"Oh, no worries, I don\'t mind if you look, there is nothing to hide anyway. Okay, I\'m ready." She bluntly replied and prepared to try Occlumency.

It was Magnus\' turn to feel shocked. ~This girl... I don\'t know if she\'s stupid or just crazy?~

"Here I go," he probed her mind slowly. As gently as possible. He could see Emma trying to ward off his attempts. So he tried to push her. After continuing for 1 whole minute he stopped.

"Good job, and there you have it, you have learnt the basics of Occlumency. First, master this and then we can try Legilimency. You can try to practice here anytime you want. Even practice fighting sometimes as it would be helpful to you. I gotta go now, I asked Rag to meet me in Potions lab." he got up to leave.

She was elated with her progress and didn\'t even look at him, seemingly impressed by herself. So she started to try harder.


Potions Lab.

Ragnar had asked Professor Slughorn to use the lab for his private use. Magnus had asked him to make something, but he knew it was not possible for him alone.

"Just think, Rag. Our enemies will look at us and they will see their worst fear turned into a reality. Just imagine, their screams, their shrieks. Music to our ears." Magnus evilly painted the picture in his mind.

Ragnar was just working on his various potioneering apparatuses. "How do we even go about making it? How the hell can you replicate what a Boggart does and make a locket out of it?"

"Umm... what about, finding a bogart, locking it into a small locket and somehow making it so all the fear it will see in our enemies will superimpose on our body?" Magnus suggested. He was a genius after all.

"Not gonna work, do you know how hard it is to find a boggart? We even got one because Moody is in the ministry. How are we going to find two or maybe four of them?" Ragnar asked.

"Hehe, I think I know who will know where to find them." he cheekily laughed and took out his phone. He called the number.

"Ah, Grandma Martha, do you know anywhere we can find Boggart? WHAT?! You got a few locked in prison? Dementors too. Why?" He confusedly asked.

It turned out, Martha wasn\'t just lazing around when she had nothing to do. She researched these non-brings. Some folks from Camelot also researched them. And a few Dementors had actually come directly from Azkaban after those fools got lost in the sea.

"Can I.... get two Boggarts? I am trying to make a locket that can house them and we can use them to cause fear in enemies." He explained the plan and hoped she may have some kind of a suggestion.

Good for Magnus, she explained everything she knew about these creatures. So, contrary to what most and Magnus believed, no, Boggarts do not read one\'s mind.

Instead, what they do is amazing as well as freakish at the same time. They look at their target in great detail and keep on changing their form extremely fast, while they notice the expressions of their victim. If the victim even shows a slight change of expression, Boggart catches it and moves toward turning it into that shape. It was an extremely fast process.

After all, Moody said his Boggart was Voldemort, but how can that thing look inside a veteran Auror\'s head like that? This was the only possible explanation.

"Thanks, grandma, I will start working now. Please tell Dobby to bring the Boggart to me at night. Bye-bye." He hung up and looked at Ragnar excitedly.

"Do you know when we should wear this new invention?" he asked.

"On Halloween. Hehe... it\'s going to be a very fun day." Ragnar was totally on board with the plan now.


While all this was happening, one question was in many people\'s minds. What happened to Narcissa Malfoy?

Well, today was the update. Because today, she marries Lucius Malfoy, Lord and the only remaining member of the Malfoy family.

Was she marrying him because of love? No, it was an arranged marriage, planned and executed by her father, Cygnus Black. Her father was a cruel man but ambitious. He wanted to increase the prestige of his family, even more so after Andromeda ran away. So he immediately first married his daughter Bellatrix to Rodolphus Lestrange.

Next was Narcissa\'s turn. Did she really love Lucius? Yes, she did, after their engagement, she truly tried to date Lucius and Lucius also treated her very kindly.

He was a well-behaving gentleman. He noticed every tiny thing about her and made her feel special. Made her feel worth something. She was expecting to spend the same quality time with her soon to be husband as she had just turned 18. By magical law, she was eligible to marry anyone she wanted.

And so, the date was fixed. However, her dreams were soon squashed, stepped on and ripped apart.

She had not personally seen Lucius in months. So she was shocked when Lucius barged into her room while she was putting makeup on after wearing the bridal gown. She was expecting a warm and cheerful marriage.

"Lucius, what are you doing here?" She asked him in shock, but she seemed delighted, thinking he couldn\'t wait to see her. Still, though, she could see something was different about him. He looked paler, thinner and had dark circles under his eyes.

He came up to her and held her close to himself by pulling her by the waist. "Narcissa, I was waiting for this day for so long."

She shyly smiled, "Me too,"

He also smiled and kissed her on the lips. She kissed him back, however, that was when she felt something. Lucius\' hands were on her buttocks. He grabbed them and pulled her close to himself.

She felt uncomfortable. Yes, they had not done it till now, the tradition of the Pure Blood family denied them. They had to wait until they were married. She expected her first night with him to be very romantic.

But what she was getting now was horror. And they were not even married. "W-What are you doing, Lucius?"

He didn\'t listen to her and forced her to turn around, making her back touch his chest. She could feel something on her lower back. But then Lucius all of a sudden groped her front and squeezed them hard. She felt pain, fear and anger.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? GET OFF ME!" She tried to push him away.

And soon she saw the angry and lustful eyes of Lucius. This was not just Lucius Malfoy, this was Lucius Malfoy, the heir of Lord Voldemort. He growled, "YOU... It does not matter if we get married today or tomorrow. I OWN YOU! Even if you tell your father or mother, they will tell you to do your best to please me.

"So, do it. PLEASE ME!"

"What has happened to you? Why are you being like this, Lucius?" She asked, agony and heartbreak apparent on her face. Tears fell from her smooth, soft face, her wedding makeup now smushed.

He cared not about her emotions, her feelings or her pain. "Just keep your mouth shut. Like how your sister does with my lord."

"WHAT?" It hit her like a boulder. Bellatrix was... She didn\'t want to complete those words.

But she felt helpless today. Her dreams squashed, stepped on and ripped apart, like her clothes right now.

~Why is this happening to me?~ She wondered while staring at the ceiling of her room. She regretted not taking the one helping hand that was always extended towards her by a certain boy king. But it was too late now. All she could do was... endure this humiliation.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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