Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon

Chapter 476 - 476. Circle Of Treachery

Chapter 476 – 476. Circle Of Treachery

Magnus\' Office,

The phone rang. As he expected, it was from Vladimir Putin. First, he talked with Putin, then the phone was given to President Mikhail Gorbachev.

Magnus spoke informally with him. "Hello, Mr President. I heard what happened in Chernobyl, truly a tragedy, I hope you can deal with it quickly with the least fatalities."

If Mikhail Gorbachev had known that Magnus was behind many of his sleepless knights he would have vomited. But he tried to sound as polite as he could, "Your Majesty, it\'s a pleasure to be talking to you. It\'s our first time but I believe that the USSR and the UK can be great friends. Of course, I know what my predecessors did, but I assure you, that foolery was his own decision."

Magnus agreed, he was just playing, "I feel you. It\'s better if we leave past mistakes aside and work on a better future. So, what can I do for you, Mr President? There must be a reason you called me and not the Prime Minister,"

"Please, Your Majesty, most of the world leaders know who runs the United Kingdom. But I did call you to ask for a favour. You see, the situation at Chernobyl has gone out of control. We have tried all we can, we have contained the spread of radiation for the time being. But, I am afraid that there is a water tank below the melting reactor core, if it\'s not stopped, an explosion that would make the nukes look like children will occur.

"Hundreds of millions will die and many generations will be affected. No human or machine can go so close to the core and solve this problem, my wizard advisor has told me only you have the magical strength to make a difference. So, with utmost respect and humility, I ask you for help." Mikhail Gorbachev sounded like he would cry at any moment now. It was true, for a man as proud as him, the leader of illustrious USSR, bowing his head to the western power he so frowned upon was a shame he will never forget. But, in the worst of times, you have to be friends with your enemies.

Magnus put his feet on the table and relaxed, "So you want me to risk my life and go near the most dangerous object on Earth?"

"I-I\'m sure we can come to an arrangement," Gorbachev already knew that this was not going to be a free service. But at this point, nothing was off the table as long as it didn\'t harm national sovereignty.

Magnus directly put forward his demand, "Hmm, Mr President, the USSR is the single largest nation in the entire world. You know, I have a particular interest in farming. I love living on farms and growing food. So I was wondering, how nice it would be if USSR could give me small peanuts,"

"But you already own so much land in Canada, Australia, Zimbabwe and in Sahara," Gorbachev said.

Magnus laughed, "Haha, I think you have mistaken something. That land does not belong to me, Mr President, it\'s the nation\'s land. What I was talking about was personal land, one with the deed in my name. I don\'t even want it to be in a prime location, it can be at any corner of the USSR, as long as it has 25% green unfrozen land, I am happy with any place."

"And how much do you want?" Gorbachev inquired.

Next what Magnus said made Gorbachev shit his pants, "83,600 km/sq, that\'s all. It\'s as small as the size of UAE. It\'s peanuts compared to your nation\'s size. Not to mention, most of your country is uninhabited."

Gorbachev gulped. "T-This is too much… Your Majesty."

"Well, I don\'t want money, I got too much of it anyway. If you can give me this, I will happily come and help you out. Heck, I will erect a giant encolure around the reactor to restrict the radiation in the area. It\'s a great idea," Magnus nudged him to accept.

Gorbachev was the highest authority in the country, he could decide this thing if he wanted. The other thing was that he had no time, it was either this or let the Easter Soviet Union be destroyed. "Okay, I will give you personal land with the guarantee that it will not be used by your nation\'s military or any national activity. It will just be private farmland."

"Of course, not only that, nobody in the world will know this deal happened. Not as long as I am alive. Now that you have agreed, I will head to Chernobyl immediately, you prepare all the documents and meet me there. Have a nice day," Magnus put the phone down and laughed madly.

"BWAHAHA… Fools, his downfall is already guaranteed, I\'m just capitalising on the opportunity. Good job, Putin, I will be sure to reward you," he said to himself and got up.

Before that, he sent a batch message on the phone to all concerned people that the mission was ON.

Magnus used the Portket to arrive in Poland first and from there he apparated to Chernobyl. He was quickly greeted by Soviet Wizards who worked for the government.

"How much time do you have?" He asked them.

"A day at most." They informed him.

Next Magnus went to check the diagrams of the whole facility. He memorised the location of the core and the water tanks.

"Have your scientists been able to find out what even caused this explosion? Because as far as we know these types of reactors don\'t just explode out of nowhere." Magnus asked them.

At this point, they started pointing fingers at each other. Finally, Comrade Lagasov spoke, "We were preoccupied with stopping more damage from occurring, so we haven\'t been able to focus on finding the reason."

Magnus scoffed, "Knowing your nation, the reason will probably never ever be known. Some high-level guy will probably try to save his neck and never let the answers come into the light."

"Are you doubting the Communist spirit of the Soviet Union?" Vice-chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union, Boris Shcherbina, voiced his displeasure at that.

"No, no, I\'m just saying. It\'s not us who make gulags and who has a population still living in poverty that has to heavily ration their daily food. Action speaks louder than words, the UK and the US have gone leagues ahead of you folks. All that the USSR has left is nukes, that are as good as decommissioned banknotes.

"Anyway, I presume you have the documents?" He asked.

Soon after he was given the deed, it was from the Central Committee, saying that now Magnus owned more than 80 thousand kilometres/square of land in the North East of USSR, near Finland. It was good enough, Finland was a friendly country.

"Good, let\'s get over it then." Magnus flew into the air and headed straight to Reactor number 4.

He could fly now as he had taken this knowledge from a few main Death Eaters. Voldemort may have been an evil cunt, but he was one heck of a genius.

He put a dozen charms on himself to protect himself from the radiation. There were many charms he was building for wizards to use when in space. His main goal was to create such a perfect charm that can allow a wizard to move around on the moon and in space without needing a spacesuit.

He had a radiator metre strapped to his body. It would tell him how much of it was entering his charmed layers. If it was too much, he would abort the mission.

But thankfully, it was non-existent. Besides, his aim was not to mess with the melting core, there was nothing he could do about that. It will take thousands of years to calm down and Chernobyl to become inhabitable.

It was truly scary how much damage nuclear science could bring. This also made Magnus\' resolve to change the world and create some sort of safety net that can stop humanity from destroying itself.

Back on the mission, Magnus first entered the water tanks and turned the valves to get rid of the water. The place was extremely hot due to the core.

Once the water was removed, he was to create an enclosure of concrete and lead sarcophagus, followed by a large steel confinement shelter to prevent further escape of radioactivity.

The whole process took him a few hours to do. He had to push himself slightly beyond the magic he was allowed to use but in the end, the task was done.

While Magnus worked here, things were going on across the Soviet Union. MEDA was sending their agents and killing various big generals, Party officials and taking their place.

Adrian himself went after Mikhail Gorbachev. Taking down the President of the USSR was the easiest way to make sure that the country falls into their hands.

After his tiring work, Magnus officially announced he was returning to his nation, but instead he arrived in Kremlin.

The dead body of Mikhail Gorbachev was still lying inside the office. Adrian, Putin and Putin\'s assistants stood there with a face of triumph.

"Good job, everyone." He praised them.

Putin was gleefully smiling, knowing what was to come now. He went ahead and sat down in President\'s seat. Magnus praised him, saying, "You did well with helping me bring down this corrupt regime, your work was valuable."

"Thank you, your Majesty. With me as your spearhead in the Soviet Union, I will help you bring peace across the world," Putin pledged to him.

Magnus kept smiling, "Then it seems I should anoint you as my knight."

Putin\'s eyes shined in the light, he quickly got up from his chair and kneeled on the ground. He felt very proud of himself that he schemed with Magnus for so long to get to this point, reach the highest position in the country.

Magnus took out his sword Excalibur and put it on his shoulder, "Vladimir Putin! I, Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon anoint you as the Knight of the East. You worked hard, first as a KGB agent, then entered politics. You wished to become the President, so you came to me to manipulate me, while you secretly built your own base. So I sentence you to die."


Putin, in disbelief, felt something pierce through his back. Magnus was not doing it. He looked back, "D-Dimitri?"

Dimitri was Putin\'s most loyal assistant. Magnus sneered at bleeding Putin, "Did you really think I would allow a shrewd man like you to take this position? I would allow you to take control of the nation\'s nukes? I always knew what was in your head. You were using me and I was using you, but you just trusted me a bit too much.

"A man, Yuri was his name, an ex-KGB. He works for me now, he told me that in this world of geopolitics, there are no friends, just permanent interests. With this, my interest in you ends. You are as valuable to me as garbage on the road.

"Your views do not align with mine. You are a man who trusts communists, but is a capitalist, who wants to be a king. So, off you go like the French nobles."

Dimitri pulled back the sword and let the blood gush out. Putin started at Magnus, eyes full of rage and anger. He wanted to kill him at this very instant, but strength was leaving his body, "C-Curse you… to hell…"

"If it means peace across the world, I will gladly take hell." Magnus kicked his body aside so he fell down. Soon, with loud grunts, he took his last breath.

The Soviet Union had finally fallen, the mad thing was that no one even knew it. Without any loud noise, Magnus took control of the largest modern empire on the planet.

"Adrian, take the place of Mikhail Gorbachev. We will later find a replacement. Dimitri, good job. You can move to get training from MEDA. Gentlemen, I will take my leave." Magnus left through the apparition.

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A/N: Early chapter because my head hurts and I\'m going to sleep.]


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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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