Odyssey of the Blind God

Chapter 291 Dark Lord

Nial was still exhausted when he left the Forest of Life but it was not like that was enough to stop him from returning to Liondra.

He had spent an entire month learning more about Runiciers, what made them special, how to improve the accuracy of one\'s stroke while engraving runic constellations, and much more.

Nial got to know several new Basic runic constellations and his perfection grade with all of them had reached an exceptional degree. Most runic constellations Nial knew were now at 100% perfection even without the use of the mana-dense runic solution.

Using the mana dense runic solution to reach a perfection grade above 100% was possible but it was much harder to cross the threshold of 100%. After all, the Basic runic constellations were already said to have been improved and researched to the limit.

Nial didn\'t have the time to think about altering runic constellations for the sake of an insignificant improvement in their efficiency. It was simply not worth spending all the time doing so. That\'s why Nial stopped improving his runic constellations when they reached 100%.

The only necessity Nial focused on was to accelerate his engraving speed to create Tier-0 runic weapons rapidly. This worked out pretty well, which was also why Master Crevian was so interested in Nial.

The young Original had not realized it yet but his talent, determination, passion, and the uniqueness of his perception were abnormal.

Miranda and Mathias were quite talented in the ways of the Runiciers as well. However, they had yet to create their first Tier-0 runic weapon.

A few attempts to create Tier-0 runic weapons nearly succeeded but they lost focus at the end when they delivered the finishing strokes of the second runic constellation. They had been too excited about the success of their first runic constellation with a perfection grade above 95% and thus had grown a bit overconfident that resulted in their failure.

Meanwhile, Nial\'s mind was eerily calm whenever he engraved runic constellations. Even if Jundra were to split apart, Nial wouldn\'t notice it!

"Now that I think about it, I would have never thought that it would be so fun to learn about runic armaments," Nial suddenly mumbled as he finished paying the fee to use the teleportation circle back to the teleportation hall.

He smiled when all the memories of the last 30 days flashed through his mind. Even his memories of Meryl were rather pleasant now that he got to know her better.

She had been jealous of his talent and the attention Master Crevian had paid to him. That was why she was acting like a spoiled child, rather than a mature woman, let alone an elegant Elf.

"I thought that Meryl was just imagining things but it looks like she was right when she told me that Master Crevian is paying a lot of attention to me," He kept saying while using the next teleportation circle to transport himself straight back to Liondra.

Nial was all by himself for the first time in a very long time but all of that didn\'t matter. He was not lonely because the thought of reuniting with his family was more than enough for him to strive forward and work even harder.

A faint smile appeared on his face at the thought of his parents.

\'We will reunite soon enough, I am coming!\' He felt excited as his thoughts drifted apart.

"If I find my family quickly, I can bring them back to the Forest of Life and continue learning under Master Crevian to participate in the Runicier tournament!" Nial kept mumbling to himself, not minding the people around him.

As he had returned from the Forest of Life, it was necessary for him to undergo several examinations.

Everyone was supposed to mind their own business but the people around him were way too interested in him. Their gazes drilled holes in his body, which were all ignored regardless of who was looking at him.

"The Runicier tournament…I will really join it, won\'t I?" He thought out loud with a faint smile on his lips.

Nial was still digesting Master Crevian\'s words and the request to join the tournament of some Armament Union. He had yet to receive more information about the Golden Armaments Union, the participating races, the intel about the tournament\'s standards, and so on.

Nonetheless, he felt excited. Leaving Jundra was already exciting enough but seeing the home of the Elven race for a short period would definitely be worth it. It would be possible for him to advance much faster in the ranks while being in Elven\'s territory or the place the U21 Runicier tournament would be held as well.

​ As Miranda and Master Crevian had stated several times before, the invitation he had received was a great opportunity. It was something Nial couldn\'t ignore if he wanted to be strong enough to protect everyone he holds dear!

But before that he needed to find his family, otherwise, even being the strongest existence on Jundra wouldn\'t be of any help.

The examinations he needed to complete to enter Liondra without the fear of possibly infecting someone took only an hour. After that, Nial was allowed to leave the building he had been teleported to.

Just like before, he entered the crowded shelters, which caused a faint smile to emerge on his face. The bustling streets, the high-rising buildings, and the city life were not actually something he was supposed to miss. But after he had lived in the Forest of Life for several months it was quite a refreshing change to listen to the noises of the bustling shelter.

Nial\'s senses were stronger than ever before after he had advanced to the 1st Ancient Mirae rank. He could hear everyone in the alley he had just stepped into, sense their footsteps, feel their mana, and smell everything in the alley, whether it was food, perfume, or their sweat.

It was a weird feeling but Nial didn\'t actually dislike it right now. He was not even bothered enough to restrict his senses with the use of mana. Everything seemed perfectly fine just the way it was and nothing could dampen his spirits.

He was smiling as he walked through the alley but Nial quickly noticed that something was wrong.

Everyone made space for him and he was being stared at by many civilians and Originals. It didn\'t really make sense and Nial started to feel uncomfortable.

All of a sudden, a small child ran towards him. A young mother followed her child trying to get him in her hands. She looked distressed but the child was totally unbothered by that as he ran straight into Nial.

Nial halted in his tracks, just to hear many people gasp around him in surprise.

"This child is insane!! What is his mother even doing?" A woman exclaimed in shock, acting as if the child had just committed a crime.

"This woman must have sent her child to lure him in!! That\'s definitely it! She wanted to create an opportunity to approach the Lord!" Another woman shouted, clearly enraged. She was trying to instigate the crowd to make them make a move against the young mother, who had just appeared in front of her child.

\'Aren\'t these guys a little bit too theatrical? And what is that bullshit about Lord? We are not in medieval times anymore…\' Nial asked himself, feeling a bit bothered and confused.

Only when the young child grasped Nial\'s leg tightly so as to prevent his mother from dragging him away from Nial, did he understand that something was wrong.

"Elven Savior! Heheh…You that Dard Loard?" The child asked, squealing in excitement. Nial frowned when he heard the child but he bent down lightly to pat the child\'s head gently, nonetheless.

"Little Boy, what are you so excited about?" He asked with a gentle smile on his face.

"Loorrd!!" The child shouted happily as he lifted his right hand to touch Nial\'s cheek. His skin was smooth and flawless. Thus, the child exclaimed once again and his eyes widened.

However, the mother was shocked and so was the crowd that had formed upon hearing the commotion the child created.

"Kilian, stop that!! Where are your manners? Is this how you behave with strangers?…." The young mother shouted before grasping her child\'s hand. Afterward, she quickly lifted the little boy called Kilian to move him away from Nial.

Nial perceived that the woman was trembling while moving, which confused him a little bit.

But things got even worse when he perceived that the woman was deeply bowing down to him, and would dissolve into tears any second.

"My Lord, I\'m so sorry. Please forgive my son. He is only three years old and he always does what he wants… please don\'t punish him for touching you, esteemed lord! If you need to punish someone, please punish me for raising my son so poorly!!" The young mother wailed while pleading for mercy.

To say that he was clueless was an understatement. He was not able to understand what was going on at all. The situation was uncomfortable and he didn\'t like the fact that a crowd had formed around them.

However, what shocked him the most was the fact that the young mother was genuinely afraid that he would do something to her small child.

In fact, even the civilians on the ground were staring at him worriedly, waiting for him to dole out a punishment. Nial was taken aback and he needed a few seconds to get back to his senses.

"Do I look that scary? I didn\'t know…" Nial mumbled, not knowing what else he should think. He took a step closer to force the young woman to straighten her back.

"Why would I punish you or your son? He didn\'t do anything wrong, or did he?" He asked in a gentle tone. The woman flinched when Nial touched her, dreading a blow.

However, the only thing she was hit with was the flood of a soothing and invigorating feeling that entered her body when Nial came in touch with her.

The young mother stopped crying almost instantly while the young boy\'s hand reached out to Nial. In response, Nial smiled faintly before his hand reached out as well.

The boy\'s hands tightly grasped Nial\'s index finger and did not intend to let go.

"He is a good boy," Nial remarked, which caused the young mother to flinch again. Her legs gave in and she slumped to the ground.

Nial reacted instinctively and grasped both the woman and the young boy, preventing them from landing hard on the concrete.

He helped them up before deciding to leave. The entire situation was simply too weird and he didn\'t like the attention that was drawn onto him.

Unfortunately, Nial was not able to move because he noticed that several guards were calling for him.

"Young Lord, please wait! Wait a moment, please!!" The voice of a middle-aged Guard echoed through the entire alley. Nial\'s lip twitched when he heard the voice.

\'What the hell is the problem now?!\' Nial wanted to shout but he controlled himself.

He felt that his mood was being affected by the things that were just happening but he also knew that he had to keep his calm.

"Why the hell do you call me young lord?!" Nial asked loudly, clearly showing signs of irritability.

"Huh? Young Lord, what are you saying…you are the young lord because…that\'s who you are?" The middle-aged man asked in confusion which was clearly visible but Nial had to press his lips together to stop himself from cursing the Guard.

\'Is he intentionally provoking me or is this idiot just dumb?!\' He asked himself.

Fortunately, there was no time for him to get angry at the Guards, who were rushing at him because someone appeared by his side.

"Looks like you caused quite a commotion," A familiar voice reached his ears and Nial could only smile wryly.

"It was about time you came to my rescue!"

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