I Am A Notorious Hidden Boss In The Alternate World

Chapter 120 - Massacre


<Do you wish to confirm the following changes? Y / N>

"Yes!" Albion answered.

Shortly after, the colossal amphitheater dispersed into countless light particles, disappearing into the atmosphere while Albion and the spectators dropped onto a grassy field.


Not long after, the entire grassy field map shook with large tremors as the ground beneath Albion\'s feet rose quickly into the sky.

Within moments, Albion stood on top of the newly-formed hill of epic proportions that reached a grand height of 600ft in altitude.


<Map reformation completed>

<Welcome to King of the Hill>

"I know I did pick the largest map size and all... But damn, how is this still a hill? It\'s a goddamn mountain!" Albion muttered with twitching lips.

Nevertheless, the view at the top was quite a sight to behold as Albion breathed in the fresh air and listened to the birds chirping in the sky.

"To think virtual reality has become this developed and detailed in such a short time. This technology probably came from the so-called Federation..." Albion mused while waiting for the challengers.

The spectators were all pushed to the bottom of the hill, where a transparent barrier prevented them from entering the mountain unless they pay the participation fee.

Shortly after, the grassy fields outside of the hill also rose, forming numerous smaller hills with better spectating views.

"Holy sh*t! No limit on participation? 500 credits to join? F*ck it, you can count me in!"

"Hahaha! That young man has gone crazy from a single victory! IronFistVillain was just a Level 21 Hunter at the Mid-stage Initiate Realm! Does he think he can take on all of us?"

"He is too arrogant for looking down on us! Most of us might still be having level 2-3 accounts, but we are all experienced old-timers here!"

"Right! The referral upgrade is only a one-time use! Once we demote him back down level 2, he will have to climb up like the rest of us!"

"But he only has one life! How can we do that if he can only lose once? At most, he will only lose 5 EXP for dying once! Hunters only join Battle Royales for the big pool prize!"

Once the words were spoken, the surrounding Hunters immediately lost their interest in participating.

"Dayum, son! He really is a rich young master! Take a look at the starting pool prize on the screen, everyone!" A person suddenly exclaimed, immediately drawing the surrounding spectators\' attention to their screens.


<Mode: Battle Royale>

<Map: King of the Hill>

<Remaining time: 8min 57secs>

<Number of participants: 1,132>

< Current pool prize: 10,565,500 credits>


The time ticked until participation entries are disabled, commencing the start of the Battle Royale.

Nevertheless, the spectators only focused on the pool prize with wide eyes.

"Holy crap. There are already over 1000 participants! But this pool prize... the base prize was 10 million!"

"A newbie shouldn\'t have any credits after just joining the Hunter World unless he topped up with real money!"

"$1 is equivalent to 100 credits! That means Strongest Wizard topped up 100 thousand dollars! What a whale!"

As the news spread across the present crowd of spectators and across online forums, a flood of people poured into the spectating area in moats of light before the participant number surged.


<Time\'s up>

<Participation entry is now closed>

<Total participants: 21,597>

<Final prize pool: 20,798,000>

<Battle Royale commences!>


The map shook from a mighty united roar.

Shortly after, the large army of participating Hunters immediately charged up the hill, racing to be the first to score first blood on Albion.

"What kind of battle royal is this? Aren\'t they obviously all targeting me?!" Albion exclaimed with an astonished expression.

"Y\'all crazy! This is a battle to be the last man standing! Not to see who can be the first one to kill me!"

Nevertheless, Albion\'s words failed to snap the majority of the army out of their fevered rush.

Seeing that his words only served to fuel the Hunters\' excitement instead, Albion ended shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly, "Well, whatever."

"This is fine. No, this will be more exciting for me. Since y\'all in such a hurry to hand over your credits and life to me, I\'ll entertain you all."

Within moments, the forerunners reached the top of the hill with Albion in their sights.

"Accept your death, Strongest Wizard!" One of the Hunters roared, lunging forward with a—!


Whatever the Hunter was lunging forward to do was not important. His head disappeared with a single slap like a soccer ball instantly.

Pak! Pak! Pak!

Albion slapped after several more Hunters, sending their heads flying while their bodies rolled down the hill.

Blood sprayed in a gruesome manner while their spirits left their virtual bodies, returning to the spectating areas without knowing what just happened.

In a short moment, Albion was surrounded as the Hunters rapidly closed in on him. He took a glance at their feet before his leg suddenly blurred in rapid succession!

Bam! Bam! Bam!


Dozens of Hunters immediately cried while being stunned on the spot from having their toes flattened like pancakes by Albion\'s quick foot.


[Basic-level Toe Crusher has been learned.]

A notification from Goldfinger rang in Albion\'s mind before he was sandwiched by the subsequent waves of Hunters pushing from behind.

Albion\'s figure was quickly drowned in the mass as they formed a small human mountain on top of him.

Meanwhile, several hundreds of Hunters remained at the foot of the hill, waiting patiently for the majority of the participants to kill each other off at the top.

"Let\'s have a temporary truce, alright? We can fight after the number of participants has been cut down a bit."

"Of course! Just how I like—"


Hundreds of Hunters were suddenly thrown into the skies from the top of the hill, bones shattered and bleeding profusely from their orifices.

A temporary gap was formed between Albion and the other several thousands of Hunters before they stopped in their tracks, stunned by Albion\'s strength.

"What the f*ck! How is this guy so strong?! He threw hundreds of people in the sky with a punch! He has to be at the level of an A-ranker at least!"

"This person ain\'t no newbie! He\'s a f*cking wolf in disguise!" Another Hunter exclaimed in shock.

"Kek, now you all know who is the real hunter and who is the prey." Albion grinned before saying, "That\'s right! I\'m the big bad wolf, Mada Fackers!"

Wau! Wau! Wau!

After giving a few foolish barks, the crowd was immediately intimidated into fleeing in fear, forgetting the whole concept of the game.

"Run! He is too strong!"

"Ahhh! Nooo!"

The entire crowd of Hunters quickly turned chaotic as they fled into different directions while bumping into each like lost lambs.

Albion killed the Hunters in an unrestrained yet carefree manner as he treated everything like the virtual game it is.

Nevertheless, the one-sided slaughter quickly got boring.

Albion entertained himself with singing while bashing male Hunters\' heads in and kicking female Hunters rolling down the hill.

"Jacks and Jills went up the hill to chase a bucket of gold~ Jacks fell down and broke their crowns, and Jills went tumbling after~!"

In the spectating area, the remaining spectators gave each other dumbfounded and shocked glances.


"I thought we were going to watch an epic 20-thousand man Battle Royale..."

"This is more like something from a goddamn horror movie!"

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