The Urban Dao Child.

Chapter 445 - Growth Spurt.

The adventure of the little boy came to an end and he would be now watched over by a dedicated maid. The maid looked like a middle-aged woman, however, she was really old and was Yue Ling\'s protector, who had followed her back from her maternal home. 

This lady was called Yue Yun. She was a widow and due to an injury was unable to conceive so she had taken up the job to watch over Yue Ling when she was just four or five years old and had followed her after her marriage. 

She had a respectable status in the Yang House as well. Yue Ling had gotten busy with the matters of domain governance and had very little time to see the boy. So, she asked her personal protector to look after the child. Yue Yun liked spending time with Yang Dao as well, the child was smart and never made a fuss. 

Yang Dao would wander around in the big palace every day but only with Yue Yun following him. She will stop him from venturing into areas that were off-limit. Yang Dao also did not go off too much, and after looking around he would go on to wander a bit more. What Yue Yun did not know was that the boy was learning from everything he saw outside. 

The boy was growing at a surprising rate. He would spend a few hours of his day with the old ladies of the house listening to stories. His ears will filter all the gossip they would talk about. He would also visit the old men in the house to get some wisdom off of them. The old people also liked his presence. 

They would pamper him a lot and gradually the boy grew up to be the darling of the family. Yue Ling would make sure to come back home every night and play with him. Yang Dao was still a baby, who had not started cultivating and would sleep from all the activity. The routine continued till the boy was three months old. 

Yang Dao stood up as he was crawling on the floor using the wall as a support. After taking a couple of steps the boy let go of the wall and walked freely. His pace was slow, but everyone who saw him walking was surprised. They did not know what to say. However, when they recalled that the child was a blessed soul. 

The Yang House was filled with bliss and joy when they found that the boy was so ahead of his age. This was not an oddity but a blessing that only peerless people had. Time seemed to have grown wings. Six months have passed since the boy has born. 


The boy was sitting on the mat as he made a block pyramid. Yue Ling and Yang Shan were talking in the background as they watched the boy play.

Yang Shan said, "Today, The elder of The Wang family came over and seemed to want to fix his daughter with our son. What do you think?" 

Yue Ling shook her head, "Dao is still very young. Do not bind him in such relationships." 

Yang Shan nodded, "I thought so too. So I told them no." 

Suddenly they heard a sweet voice in the room, "Mum, see, Dao, make." 

The couple froze. Yue Ling looked at her husband\'s visage when she sensed a tap on her leg. The couple was sitting on a couch inside the room. Yang Dao stood at her feet and said, "Mum, Dao, make." 

As he pointed at the neat block pyramid. The pyramid was ten-level high, not something an average six-month-old can do. The shock was actually from his speech. Yue Ling picked him up from the ground and asked, "Sweety, what did you call me?" 

Yang Dao blinked and said, "Mum."

Yue Ling smiled brightly and kissed him on his cheek, as she said, "Call me once more." 

The boy blinked and reflected her smile as he said, "Mum." 

Yang Shan took him from his wife\'s hands and dotingly asked, "Dao, tell me who am I?" 

The boy tilted his head and said, "Baba." 

Yang Shan would call himself baba in front of Yang Dao and thus the boy picked up this address. The man started to laugh hard and loudly. He did not expect his son to call him baba so soon. Yue Ling took her song back and glared at Yang Shan. She said, "You are scaring my son. Be quieter." 

Then she focused on her sweetheart and asked him to call him mum again. The news that the young master can speak was akin to the fire in a drought-struck forest. The people all gathered and asked the boy to call them names. 

Yang Dao also did not let them down and called them all by what they asked him. His grandmother was so happy that she asked the people to distribute free food in the domain and gave a bonus to all the workers in their family. Yang Dao was showered with countless blessings. 


When the boy was just one year old when he learned how to read and write. He was not old enough to go to school, without causing a storm. So the family elders decided to create a library for Yang Dao inside the palace. The old people all used the library to relax. There were a total of thirty members in the family. They all lived together and Yang Dao was the youngest son of the youngest son. 

The Yang Family did have lots of branches spread all over the universe. Yang Dao would spend his time reading and writing inside the library. Only to eat and sleep will he come out. The boy had been smarter than anyone could think he was gathering information about the situation of this world. 

In his mind, he had left a lot of mental notes and decided to follow them all. These notes would come to him randomly and the boy would act accordingly. He collected information about world history and also geography.

Turned out that the stronger the family the stronger their domain. Yang Family was a major family in this area of the universe and they owned a whole planet while having shares in a lot more planets. However, he did not know what owning a planet meant and simply collected information and knowledge. 

When he was one and a half years old, the family all gathered in the dining room and they were eating together. Today was the birthday of his grandmother. The whole family was called back. Yang Dao had a chair between his grandmother and mother. He would not speak much but eat the food with a smile on his face. 

Suddenly, a young man in his early twenties spoke up, "Grandpa, why do we have to pay the Wang family for those mining rights? That land belongs to us." 

The grandpa in his mouth was an old man. This guy was Yang Dao\'s grandpa\'s big brother. The man said, "Even if we are a dragon in our domain, we should not rattle the ground snake." 

The old man would often use idioms to talk. The young man was confused when a small soft voice echoed, "Big brother Jun, Elder Grandpa means that even if the land belongs to us, the domain belongs to the Wangs. We should not offend them."

Everyone was surprised pleasantly as they heard this reply. The boy asked Yang Dao in a soft voice, "Dao, they bully us. You know they are horrible people, last night they beat up two of my men. You tell me what do I do?" 

The people on the table all looked at the little boy eating food from his grandmother\'s hand with a smile. This boy was someone who gave them a lot of surprises. 

Yang Dao looked at the man and said, "Do you have proof?" 

The man shook his head, and then Yang Dao said, "You cannot do anything. Wang family is the strongest in that region so you can only tolerate it." 

The man said, "Dao, how can I just let it go. The people hurt are my brothers." 

Yang Dao shook his head and said, "I did not say let it go. If we cannot say that they are wrong cause we have no proof then the same goes for them no? If that person does call his parents then you call your parents." 

His words shocked the people. They did not expect him to say something like this. Yue Ling smiled and Yang Shan said, "He isn\'t wrong." 

Yang Dao\'s grandmother, Yu Mulan, clicked her tongue and said, "Fools, my darling is smarter than all of you combined, and you Yang Gong, grow a pair and kick those Wang losers back to their home." 

Yue Lan said, "Mom, Dao will learn bad words from you." 

Yu Mulan frowned and said, "Okay, Okay, I will try not to say bad things in front of my rabbit. But you tell these dimwits to not make such idiotic mistakes." 

Yang Dao nodded and said, "Grandma, you are a smart girl." 

The whole scene erupted into laughter and the banquet continued. 

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