I Became the Hero Who Banished the Protagonist

Chapter 117: Diving in. (4)

“…Does anyone know the scope of the ‘Introduction to Magic Circles’ test this time?”

In the cafeteria, Eugene spoke cautiously. It was an introductory course that all knights and mages had to take. Cora glared at him with a reproachful expression on her face.

“I don’t know. I’m sure you know anyways. Study on your own.”

“Couldn’t you just save the poor lost lamb for once?”

“I’ll give you my notes when I’m done, so shut the fuck up and review by yourself.”

Cora’s words were harsh, or maybe it was just that it was exam time, and she was on edge. The other first-year students looked up from their notebooks, finally receiving an ounce of entertainment.

“Natalie… Help me just once. I know most of the material anyway, so I’m not really paying attention in class. I just need to know what’s coming up and what’s not….”

Natalie kept her head down and didn’t seem to hear Eugene’s begging. He alternated between Natalie and Cora’s faces in frustration. Of course, the two of them were blithely ignoring his gaze.

“Why have you been acting like this for days?”

Eugene asked, looking at Natalie, but she didn’t react; while she didn’t speak much, it seemed her mouth was glued shut now. Her brow was always slightly furrowed, and her eyes never seemed to look ahead as she walked. Her eyes had been glued to her textbook. But she has been on the same page for hours.

“…I see. Maybe there’s something you can’t talk about.”

As Eugene tapped his pen, looking at a formula, until a notebook suddenly flew toward his face. Eugene picked it up with an annoyed expression as he read it.

“Chapters 1 through 4, until page 102.

Eugene looked at Cora. She shook her head and went back to her work. Smiling, Eugene finally opened the book, grabbed a pen, and began to study.

“… How do I dodge that attack…”

Natalie, meanwhile, could only recall the Hero’s movements in her head, his eyes perfectly capturing her speed, moving even faster than her.

She thought of their spar again. She twisted instinctively, blocking the blow and minimizing the damage. She landed on both of her feet, ready to attack again.

“Come at me again.”

The Hero said with a small smile.

The next ten minutes were invaluable for Natalie’s growth, filling in the gaps in her experience.

“Try practicing your power before the next session. Also, take some time for self-reflection. I’m sure you can find better methods than rushing every attack.”

Natalie looked at her target’s smile and exhaled.

“I’ll only duel you again when you complete the assignment in under 5 minutes.”

There was still too little information about the Hero. She needed to get more combat experience to learn his weaknesses.

Natalie looked back at Eugene and Cora. Her chances of passing his challenge with the two were next to zero. How could she train these two to be strong enough?

“So, Natalie, are you even studying?”

For the first time, Natalie reacted to Eugene’s words. He couldn’t hide his embarrassment at the way Natalie looked at him.

“…Is something wrong?”

Natalie shook her head and returned her gaze to her book. Before the next class, she had to get those two more comfortable with combat. ‘Should I just carry them?’

“… ‘Basic understanding of monster combat.’ Didn’t the professor say anything about the test?”

“I heard it’s a practical test, so I won’t study too hard.”

Natalie’s head snapped up. Eugene and Cora’s shoulders slumped simultaneously at her sudden behavior, realizing what they’d just said.

“I guess we’ll have to train.”

“… Do we have to?”

“Don’t you want to get good marks?”

Eugene and Cora nodded hesitantly. It wasn’t just a matter of grades. It was a chance to impress the Hero. They found a reason to give their all.

“Why didn’t I think of it…. This one test is probably more important than any other major.”

Eugene’s eyes lit up for some reason, and he agreed with Natalie. Even he was unsure if it was because he was tired of studying or if he thought the test was important.

Introduction to Magic or something didn’t matter. If he screwed up, he could retake it. However, the Hero’s test was a one-time opportunity. Cora, the model student, couldn’t entirely deny that.

“So, what kind of training are you going to do? We can’t even activate the special class drill alone.”

“Training grounds.”

With that, Natalie closed her book and stood up. Eugene and Cora followed suit, hurriedly packing their bags. They’ve gotten used to Natalie’s odd spontaneity.

“…Surely she doesn’t want to beat us up…”

Eugene and Cora rushed after Natalie. Natalie strode out of the library and toward the training grounds with familiar strides. A shiver of foreboding ran down their spines. Perhaps it would have been better to stay in the library to study. A breeze blew across the campus. The three reached the main gate of the training grounds under the curious stares of the people.

“You two are weak in my eyes.”

Natalie said as she unlocked the door to the training center. Eugene arched an eyebrow, and Cora nodded as if trying to be convinced. Neither felt inclined to protest, though, having seen Natalie’s skills firsthand.

“We’re first-years, after all…and you’re weirdly strong. Well, I suppose you aren’t wrong from your perspective.”

Eugene grumbled but accepted Natalie’s words. He was confident that he could keep up with the entire school at the academy level, but Natalie was already a monster beyond the academy level.

“Yeah. I don’t think that’s what a first-year, surname-less commoner is supposed to say to the son of House Grayson and the daughter of House Foyth.”

A group of second-year students appeared before the group. Cora frowned and turned her head, and Eugene looked away.

“What’s with the way you act? You’re acting like a prestigious, talented prospect from a renowned family.”

One of the students leaned in close.

“Know your place. This is my sincere advice as a senior if you don’t want to have a hard time in school. How long do you think those kids beside you can pretend to be your friends?”

The upperclassman then turned to Eugene and Cora.

“You guys, how long will you be friends with this nobody, acting like she’s some noble? I don’t know how good she is, but how long do you think she will stay at the top of the class? Stop it and show your faces at the Prestige Club. Grayson and Foyth have a seat at the table.”

With that, the upperclassman turned and walked away. Eugene clicked his tongue in disappointment.

“For a bunch of nobles, they’re acting like a bunch of backstreet thugs.”

He spoke loud enough for them to hear. The upperclassmen stopped walking and turned around. Eugene walked toward them with a twisted smile.

“Seeing as I don’t recognize you, I’m guessing you’re just the pawns of those ‘prestigious’ seniors.”

The upperclassmen’s faces contorted in horror.

“Watch your language, junior. If you stop there, we’ll pretend we didn’t hear you.”

“There is no need for that.”

This time it was Cora who spoke up.

“If you think House Grayson and House Foyth are that easy, you’re sorely mistaken. Either the people at the Prestige club are delusional or….”

Cora stood next to Eugene, blocking Natalie. Natalie blinked and looked at the two freshmen standing in her way.

“You want to test how much of an asshole you guys are? If it’s the latter, I’d give you flying colors.”

The upperclassmen scowled, but the two stood their ground with a look that said they weren’t having any of it.

“If you want to stamp on us with your ‘power,’ why don’t you tell us the name of your family, and we’ll pretend to be a little intimidated. That way, we can at least get a sense of who you are and where you’re from. But I don’t expect much from a bunch of scarecrows.”

“If you keep running your mouth like that, you will regret it.”

Eugene burst out laughing, unable to contain himself.

“What, you’re going to go back and snitch on the seniors at the club? I’m sure they’ll listen to you.”

Eugene, giggling and wiping away tears, adds.

“They’d be like, ‘Just leave them alone.’ Unlike you, they won’t turn us into enemies unless they’re foolish like you lot.”

The looks on the upperclassmen’s faces couldn’t have been more humiliating. Red-faced, the upperclassmen turned their attention to Natalie.

“Did you learn to be so arrogant from this low-born? I guess there’s a reason they don’t know about their place.”

The upperclassmen barely recovered their composure, and Eugene’s crooked smile became beaming. The upperclassmen didn’t understand the change in expression and looked puzzled.

“Let’s see if you can say that before the professor.”

“Professors? Ha. What professors are you talking about? Most of them will nod in agreement with me.”

Cora sighed as she looked at the upperclassmen, who could not realize the reality in front of them.

“Don’t linger in front of the training grounds, lest you disturb those who use them.”

At the sound of his voice, the upperclassmen whipped their heads around in triumph, but it distorted just as quickly. Elroy, the Hero, stood there, files in hand, watching the confrontation between the freshmen and seniors.

“Looks like we got a group of busy students.”

“I’m confronting seniors who’ve been interrupting our studies. And as a bonus, they’re making some derogatory remarks.”

The Hero glanced at the upperclassmen and sighed.

“You’re not fifteen years old. What’s the point of arguing? I’m not fond of it when upperclassmen bully first-year students, so return to your studies. I don’t think you have time to slack off like the first years.”

The Hero waved his hand, and the pale-faced upperclassmen backed away. Watching them, Eugene’s grin grew bigger, and Cora could not suppress the smile on her face.

“So, what are you guys doing in front of the training grounds?”

“Oh, we thought we’d do some training for the professor’s test.”

“Is that so?”

With that, he turned to Natalie, who avoided his gaze. The Hero gave her a small smile.

“Well, go on in. It’s very nice to see all of you working hard.”

Cora’s eyes widened at the Hero’s praise, and Eugene did his best not to show his delight. Then, spurred on, they hurried into the training center.

“You have good friends, Natalie. I hope you can continue to get along with them.”

Natalie stared at her classmates in disbelief.

“I didn’t ask them to do that.”

“That’s the beauty of good friends, isn’t it?”

Natalie turned to face the Hero, a bright smile spread across his face.

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