Heroes of Marvel

Chapter 312: The Exposed Trouble

Chapter 312: The Exposed Trouble

“Plans for the future? It’s too early to worry about that, dad.” Hearing that his father seems to be worried about his future, Lin Rui answers with some frustration and helplessness.

Lin Rui can’t tell his dad that he is destined to become a Superhero, and now he plans to put all of his efforts to eradicate Hydra, he doesn’t want to scare his father to death.

“Well, it’s a little early for others, but not for you. And it’s not just you, like your Osborn friend, Harry, who is now the executive director of Oscorp Industries. Peter seems to have been spotted by a New York University early on. Even Tom seems to have spotted by a basketball scout who is in contact with his father. Speaking of Tom, he seems to have been out for a while. The day before yesterday your uncle Smith asked me if Tom had contacted you. He seemed worried.” Seeing his son’s perfunctory manner, Lin Hai goes on to mention Tom.

Lin Rui’s eyes flickered with worry and anger when he heard his Dad mention Tom, but he quickly covered it up.

“Actually, I just wanted to say. Whatever your future plans are, whether you take a break from school to study things I don’t understand with Tony Stark, or whether you have other plans, your mother and I will always support you.” Seeing that his son didn’t respond, Lin Hai continued.

“Thank you, Dad, I know.” Lin Rui said and he was touched when he heard his father’s words.

Although Lin Rui knew that his father would really support his decision on the future, it will never include him being a dangerous Vigilante. Of course, if Lin Rui’s strength reached the point where no one on Earth would dare to mess with him in the future than he will probably consider telling the truth to his parents and family at that time.

“Haha, now that you know this, go and rest now. I heard from Mr. Stark that he has been working on a very complicated experiment and may need your help. You will be very busy. I thought you would not be home for several days.” Seeing his son’s serious tone, Lin Hai smiles and pats him on the shoulder.

“Well, dad, I’ll go and rest.” Lin Rui went upstairs after he said this.

“This boy, it seems that he already has his own plans, but he doesn’t want to tell me! Forget it, I have already said that I will support him, so I will let him decide for himself.” Watching his son go upstairs, Lin Hai smiled and muttered.

“Simple” Lin Hai doesn’t know what his son’s plans are. Would he still say that he would support Lin Rui when he found what Lin Rui had been doing secretly, would he still support him in becoming a Superhero? Lin Hai never thought about it!


Lin Rui, who talked briefly with his Dad, walked into his room and fell to the bed. The experience from last night made him tired.

“Whew! This was a really close call! If they hadn’t been quick, I might have been trapped in the Hydra!” Back home, Lin Rui was finally able to relax a little, and then he realized how lucky he was to be back safely.

This time, Lin Rui was finally forced to die with Hydra and he would have done it if not for the timely arrival of Iron Man, this was too dangerous. Of course, after this incident, Lin Rui would not relax. Lin Rui’s identity was discovered by Hydra and it is possible that his family would be threatened and hurt by the Hydra.

“However, this time I was careless enough to think that I could really get into Hydra and destroy them from the inside. Now that they know who I am, it will be time to speed up the destruction of the Hydra while protecting my family.” Lying in bed, Lin Rui relaxed for only two minutes and then began to worry.

Huh ~

“Should I ask SHIELD to help protect my family? With their professionalism and the skills of their agents, they should be able to protect my parents. But why would they help me?” Sitting up in bed, Lin Rui thought while frowning. Lin Rui’s normal identity was not enough for the SHIELD to take him and his words seriously, and he would rather not expose his identity to SHIELD and had Fury send someone to protect his parents.

“Tony would definitely be willing to help me protect my parents, but I can’t let a few Iron Man Armors blatantly follow my parents. After all, Iron Man’s name is too big for him to protect someone in secret.” After passing the SHIELD, Lin Rui thought of the possibility of thinking about Iron Man protecting his parents.

“Or maybe I should ask Jack to send some reliable people? But Frankenstein Family hasn’t fully transformed yet. It’s still not good for Jack to protect my parents.” After feeling that Iron Man was too provocative, Lin Rui thinks about Jack and the Frankenstein Family. But Frankenstein Family was a family of gangsters and he still felt that it was a bit inappropriate.

“If it’s not good for someone else to protect my parents, should I send them to a place where Hydra can’t hurt them. For example, Stark Industries or Oscorp Industries. I think my parents should be well protected in these two places.” Finding it impractical to send someone to secretly protect his parents, Lin Rui goes in another direction, sending his parents to a place less likely to be attacked by the Hydra.

Of course, sending his parents to SHIELD is also fine, but Lin Rui doesn’t want to choose that option for now.

“But how do I get Mom and Dad to go to Stark Industries or Oscorp? Both of them seem to be fairly stable in their jobs, so it might seem odd for Tony or Harry to suddenly ask them to work for them.” Although this is a better idea, Lin Rui thinks there will be some trouble on her parents’ side.

“Ah! This is so annoying! Dame those Hydra basterds! Without them, I wouldn’t need to worry about all of this!” After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Rui couldn’t think of a good way and pulled at his hair in frustration.

“I will talk to Tony first, and then I will see my parent’s mood. If they want, I will get them a good job at Stark or Oscorp. At home, I can get some Special Defence Type Items to protect them.”

“As long as I completely eliminate Hydra, my parents will be safe.” With that last sentence, Lin Rui’s eyes flashed a cold light.

“OK! For the time being, it’s necessary to put the quick elimination of Hydra on the agenda. Where should I look for them?” Lin Rui has no good way to protect his family. He can only eliminate Hydra as soon as possible and solve the problem from the root.

“Should we join forces with SHIELD? The League of Defender is not a small force now, and if combined with SHIELD, the blow to the Hydra should be big.” When it comes to destroying the Hydra, Lin Rui cannot help but think of joining forces with SHIELD.

Just as Fury is building the Avengers team, the League of Defender is the same as the Avengers and if the two teams team up against Hydra, it will be a very heavy blow to Hydra.

Hum ~

Just as Lin Rui was thinking about joining forces with SHIELD, his phone suddenly vibrated.

Pulling out his phone, it revealed a name Lin Rui wasn’t too surprised by: Steve Rogers, Captain America. It seems that the battle against Hydra is finally over, and Rogers is finally going to ask Mirage Knight about Winter Soldier Bucky.

Without hesitation, Lin Rui had picked up the phone and said. “Hello there, Captain Rogers.”

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