Reincarnated As A Plant Life

Chapter 185 New Blood (2)

After a short walk through one of the several corridors within the area, the two arrived at Shaviki\'s cave area.

"Welcome to my quarters," he said with a sort of sarcastic grandeur, before drawing the leather curtain that acted as the door to his cave.

The inside of the cave was a rather crude space with nothing at all inside it, which proved even more that these creatures were very low in terms of technology and civilization.

Although they were at the level where they could create and maintain their own council, it seemed that luxury inventions such as beds, or even everyday furniture were not something that they considered. He had at least expected there to be a table and chairs like in the war room.

"I apologize again for being so forward," Shaviki said, with a distant look in his eyes, almost as if he were having an internal battle over what he was about to do.

This put Lucius on guard, even with the certainty that he could easily defeat him, he still moved a step back.

"A-Apologies, I didn\'t mean to alarm you. It\'s just that what I\'m about to ask is not an easy burden to put on someone. Especially you," Shaviki said, before walking towards the back of the cave and drawing another curtain that led into a smaller room.

"I would like to request you take my son as your apprentice," he requested, before coming back with a child.

The child was just a little shorter than Shaviki, indicating that it was probably an adolescent. But besides that, it had quite peculiar features for a Chames.

It had unnaturally white skin, and was quite frail in appearance, even more so than the other starving children. Where all the other Chames\' had scales protecting their back, this one didn\'t and instead had odd patterns that looked almost like symbols.

~An albino Chames? So genetic disorders like that occur here too?~ Lucius thought to himself, before looking up at Shaviki.

"I greet you, Havon," the child said, a sort of defiant pride in its eyes. Almost as if the child was trying to challenge him in some way.

"My name is Zhayen," the child continued, before looking to Shaviki almost as if to ask \'did I do a good job?\'

"What\'s this about?" Lucius asked, now looking at Shaviki with a scrutinizing glare.

"The den wants to kill him," Shaviki answered after a brief pause. Lucius only now noticed how tired Shaviki seemed, which was understandable what with him constantly being at battle with those old councilmen.

"Kill him? What crimes did he commit?" Lucius asked, his eyes still inspecting Shaviki.

"Some of the members believe that he\'s a bad omen," Shaviki explained, before looking down at the child in sad defeat.

"My partner died birthing him," he whispered, his hands shivering slightly as he held on to his son\'s shoulder. "He was born last \'Cold Time\' the worst we\'d had in a long time... though I suppose it\'s going to be nothing compared to the one coming," he continued, before looking up at Lucius.

"There is no future for him here," he said finally.

It wasn\'t surprising that this sort of discrimination was happening. After all, even an advanced race like humans were responsible for their fair share of this. Even after a civilized society was built, there were still some who held such beliefs.

"And him being my apprentice will stop them? Why don\'t you speak to the king, he seems reasonable," Lucius countered. He felt pity for the kid, but his taking on an apprentice wasn\'t going to be easy.

"The King has already done all he can. He speaks out against my son\'s mistreatment, but Shavril has been manipulating the people. He\'s made them believe that if my son is thrown out of the den, we will be spared," Shaviki explained, with a sort of cynical laugh.

Lucius remembered Shavril as the old man who had been working against him during the meeting. He was an obstacle that had to be taken care of sooner or later, but after hearing about how much of a sway he had on the people of this den, it seemed he would have to be dealt with sooner rather than later.

~Hmm, the question is, how much dirt am I willing to get on my hands to save this place,~ he thought to himself.

"Look, I can\'t give you a clear answer right now. Taking him as an apprentice will be complicated, someone as highly positioned as you should know that much. I\'m only a guest her-" Lucius was about to respond before Shaviki interrupted with a sort of laugh.

"Havon, I mean no disrespect, but it\'s clear to most that you\'re here to take control of the den," Shaviki interjected. This left Lucius silent for a few moments.

It wasn\'t an immediate intention of his to take over this place. After all, he first planned on finding his children before he was even going to attempt properly help these people. So then where did Shaviki get that impression?

"It\'s only been a day since they saw you, and already there are whispers of you succeeding King Shavak," Shaviki said, before whispering something into his son\'s ear, With that, his son took one last look at Lucius, before heading back to his room behind the curtain.

"Succeed? Doesn\'t he have a daughter, Shamir or something like that?" Lucius asked, in genuine curiosity. He had expected the rumors to be something like him usurping the throne, but for them to say he would succeed it?

~Do these creatures not have a line of royalty like I thought?~

"A female cannot lead the tribe. According to the council, the tribe must be led by a warrior, and the females of our race are born weaker than their male counterparts. The king had been planning to have her bound to Shavril\'s son, the head hunter, but with you here, things may be different," Shaviki explained.

~Now it makes sense,~ Lucius thought to himself, realizing why the old man seemed so against him. All along it had been a race for the throne, of course, the old man wanted to make him seem as incompetent as possible.

"But still, I\'m an outsider. The king wouldn\'t trust me with his daughter," Lucius replied. Besides, he noticed the look Shavak gave him sometimes. It was a confusing sort of look, a mix between fear and aversion.

"But you are also Havon. To have his daughter mated with you will not only solve the throne problem but also mark our den as one of the most powerful in the future forest you will shape," Shaviki replied.

~Future forest?~

For a moment Lucius forgot about the role that he was currently playing. He had nearly forgotten about the lies he was feeding this nation. But even then, did they really believe he would be able to shape the entire forest?

He knew that his system would allow him to attain a monstrous amount of power, but he doubted even that would be enough. From the memories he had stolen from the necromancer\'s right hand, he could tell that there were creatures far above anything he could possibly fathom.

The necromancer had enemies that made even him shudder at their names.

At best, Lucius was planning to create a small civilization, where he could give the lower-tier creatures in his commune the chance to change their fate. But to shape the entire forest?

"I see," Lucius murmured, his thoughts now shifting to the prospect of him being bonded with Shamira.

In all honesty, he had no valid reason to be against the idea. With him being put in as the natural leader, he would have a deeper tie to the people of the den. Meaning he would be in a good position to have them merge into his commune.

The only thing he had a problem with was the whole mating issue. Even if he was a non-human creature right now, he had to admit the prospect of sleeping with a chameleon-humanoid -regardless of how beautiful she seemed- itched him the wrong way.

And what else would be expected of him?

Would they want him to raise a child with her? That was something his mind wasn\'t ready for. The torture he was subjected to by the necromancer had reopened old wounds. Wounds that if worsened could hamper the way he thought -even more than usual.

"Even with that in mind, there are other things I have to do first. My first priority is making sure my children are safe. Perhaps after we\'ve completed the mission, and I\'ve reunited with them, then I\'ll be able to entertain the idea of participating in this game of thrones," he replied after some thought.

"Participating might not be your choice to make. But only time can tell," Shaviki replied, before escorting Luicus back to his room and saying his goodbyes.

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