The Righteous Player(s)

Chapter 171: Killing You? No Sweat!

Chapter 171: Killing You? No Sweat!

Carney’s body was still transforming.

His body was raised to more than three meters. The color of his skin became dark purple mixed with blue tones. His skin had veins bulged up, and his muscles twitched. All the wounds no longer bleed but leaked out dark and viscous flames.

His scorched face became even more terrifying. Perhaps, Carney would be terrified when he saw his looks.

The “organ” attached to his back appeared more like ribs connected with thin membranes, not so much wings.

Carney was gradually turning into a demon.

And this scene was familiar to Annan.

In Annan’s first nightmare right after he came into this world, Guard Captain Klaus also attempted to become like this.

It was just that Annan slew him before he could finish his transformation.

Judging from Benjamin’s reaction, demons should not only appear in nightmares.

This could be what happened after the erosion rate reached 100%.

…Or rather, what one of the transformations could manifest?

“Almost done.” Annan murmured.

More than a minute passed, Annan had charged up his magic eye.

To maximize the damage output, Annan should deliver his first round of combo now.

Of course, he should add a buff on himself before that.

Although Arthur didn’t have the swordsman profession, Silver Knight was characterized in adapting to the environment (nightmare). This should allow Annan to use part of Silver Knight’s power even in a nightmare as long as he possessed silver coins.

After all, his core competence came from divine art.


A crisp “clink” of silver coin sounded in Annan’s hand.

Annan finally stopped fidgeting with the coins in his hand.

Under the players’ surprised gaze, Annan summoned a dazzling silver rapier as he flicked his hand in the next moment.

—It was a little different from before.

Annan noticed the thin ray reflecting off the blade in his hand.

The “Sharp Object” he summoned before wasn’t imbued with holy light like now.

Frost traces spread from Annan’s fingertips, soaking the blade quickly.

Annan glanced back at the bloodshot Carney, who had utterly lost his mind.

Annan squinted and activated the magic eye hovering in the air. Then, he released the most expensive Destruction spell stored in the magic eye!

—Deflagration Light!

The next moment, the sky shone brightly.

After a short delay, a golden-red beam manifested a sharp blade and fell like thunder.

It bombarded Carney in an instant!

The attack was like the descent of a comet.

Accompanied by a boom, the surrounding earth cracked!

At the place where the light beam fell, the ground was surging with lava that shot to the sky!

The hike in temperature ignited all the surrounding trees in an instant. But they weren’t ordinary burning; the trees were burned into charcoal in the blink of an eye. It was like flames burnt from within and exploded out!

The scorching airwaves dispersed in ripples.

Some of the trees fell with their leaves turned yellow, with some invaded with dim flames.

But Annan was fine.

He still stood on the spot, unfazed by the heatwave, nor was he forced to retreat.

It was as if he didn’t feel the harsh wind at all.

A dark-gray square appeared in Annan’s pupils.

In front of Annan, a gas wall that conformed to the shape of a cube emerged in the air.

The square wall was four meters high and made up of heat shimmers.

When the scorching airwaves arrived at the wall, they lost their speed and were intercepted.

It was Annan’s Guided Spells, [Impeding Wall]!

After the explosion, the wall disappeared silently.

But, Carney was still alive even after all that.

The injuries on his body were terrifying. His upper body was almost burnt to charcoal, but he was still alive. The damage was recovering in haste.

At this moment, Annan didn’t hesitate as he jumped into the smoke that hadn’t completely dissipated.

In the meantime, he threw the bag full of silver coins directly into the air and chanted the Silver Hand incantation:

“Learn your lesson. This is the hand that seizes power eternally and forever—”

That was a tribute to silver coins.

That was a warning to believers.

As Annan chanted, all the silver coins in Arthur’s purse flew out of their own accord and melted into a cold and shimmering silver liquid in the air. The liquid flew at a faster speed than Annan and enshrouded the blade.

Suddenly a strong curse aura erupted from the temporarily enchanted blade.

It was as if the rapier turned into a curse vessel.

Annan didn’t have time to look at its properties.

Because he had rushed over to Carney’s side already.

Carney raised his hand, trying to seize Annan’s head.

On the other hand, an ice-blue light flashed in Annan’s eyes.

Frigid cold air exploded in all directions, with Annan as the center. Carney’s previously scorched skin experienced an extreme drop in temperature, with visible signs of frozen cracks surfaced.

At the same time, the frosty curse invaded and slowed Carney’s movements.

With that, Annan’s speed seemed a little faster. He squatted down abruptly, avoiding Carney’s grapple.

Immediately after, Annan dashed past Carney from the side. At the same time, he raised his rapier and aimed at Carney’s thigh.

But Annan swapped his attack to a diagonal slash at Carney’s protruding wrist! There was no hindrance to the attack.

Annan slashed through the muscles and the solid bones on Carney’s wrist like cutting an apple in the air.

In the first exchange, Carney’s right forearm, dripping with oil-like black and viscous blood, flew high in the air!

After being slashed by the silver sword, a silver-gray web-like pattern began to surface at the injury, gradually spreading to the shoulder.

At the same time, a layer of frost covered the injury.

The frost layer sealed the black blood that should have burned on the ground and the squirming muscles from the swift regeneration.

The Frost Sword’s mightiness was on full display!

Under the pain, Carney subconsciously attempted to withdraw his right hand.

That gave another opening for Annan to advance his attacks.

While maintaining Guided Spell – Frost Nova, Annan got in front of Carney faster than Carney retracting his right hand.

Another attack was launched.

Fortunately, Arthur’s body was fairly tall this time.

Annan’s blade penetrated Carney’s lower abdomen. He just felt a slight obstruction, but the rapier wasn’t stuck inside.

Hence, after Annan pierced the blade halfway in, he immediately slashed downward. At the same time, he rolled under Carney’s leg openings and appeared behind Carney.

This attack quickly tore Carney in half from his belly. For some reason, no blood tainted Annan during the whole process. Only the blood, which was frozen into powders, dropped in large quantities.

The initially fragile “Sharp Object” was so strong under the Silver Hand’s enchantment.

Annan exerted his strength and cut Carney’s left ankle directly before he stood up behind Carney!

Starting from Annan cutting off Carney’s right arm, this whole set of movements only took less than three seconds!

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