Blood Warlock: Succubus Partner In The Apocalypse

Chapter 418 - New Skill, New Title: Void Fist And Brilliant Mind! (Part 1)

"Assassin Team number 7....."



A large number of commands were sent out one after another and the battlefield immediately changed as the different leaders of the several squads and teams passed the order from the top commander to the soldiers or soul evolvers under their temporary leadership.

The number of orders a commander could give on the battlefield was limited by vision and foresight. But even then, even the most brilliant strategist would not be able to foresee everything in advance. Battlefields were ever-changing as each battle participant represented a world of possibilities considering that every human\'s mind was different.

However, even though it was not possible to foresee everything, there were many problems that a general commander could avoid by delegating minor tasks to others. This was precisely the reason why the army was divided into different groups and subgroups. It was also the reason why each group and subgroup had its own leaders for a certain number of men.

The order of the general commander was derived everywhere. If we take the human body as a representative example, the brain would be the general commander while the different nerves would be the team leaders; the brain would send the signal to the right part of the body and the receptor nerves would be in charge of the signal reaching the extremities which as a consequence would make the body move according to the brain\'s desire.

Once the order from the brain, in this case composed by Mayor Bai Yong and Commander Jin Shun, reached the different nerves that were represented by several hundred squad leaders and minor teams, the lower soldiers and soul evolvers that represented the body of the war machine called army began to move.


At the top of the mountain, Bai Zemin\'s expression was as cold as ice.

Although he had not been externally wounded thanks to his high Stamina stat and thanks to his passive skill Silver Skin, the reality was that being shot several times in the head had caused his brain to shake fiercely on the inside. He felt slightly dizzy, but that dizziness immediately disappeared thanks to his monstrously high Health stat.

"Apparently, the answer is no." He muttered to himself.

"You... Bai Zemin, are you okay?" Nangong Lingxin asked in a low voice. Her disbelieving eyes showed how shocked she was at the unfolding events.

She had just seen dozens of shots hitting Bai Zemin, several of them even hitting his head fiercely. However, he was still standing; worse, there wasn\'t even a scratch on his skin! His face was still as handsome as ever and his skin as flawless as always!

"You... You... Are you human or ghost?" Chen He looked at him with wide eyes.

In between surprise and relief, the talented young archer felt slight despair. Even if the sniper shot was in no way comparable to his most powerful attack, Chen He was no longer so sure that his strongest arrow could really hurt the man before him.

Because the two usually carried out different tasks, it had been a long time since Bai Zemin and Chen He fought on the same battlefield as teammates. Therefore, after more than a month of time, the young archer had begun to forget a little the reason why the leader of the Transcendent faction was Bai Zemin and not him or anyone else.

But his memory would soon be refreshed.

Instead of answering Nangong Lingxin or Chen He\'s questions, Bai Zemin took a step forward and clenched both fists tightly.

"A distance of approximately 5000 meters? Let\'s see if this idea I came up with along the way really works or not." His words came out of his mouth like a whisper that was carried away by the wind.

Below the small elevated mountain, the enemy soul evolvers had already used the cover provided by the collapsed buildings of the ruined city to disappear into the forest, being followed by a large group of more than 50 off-road motorcycles with modifications and firearms mounted on the sides.

The hiding IFVs began to bare their fangs and the terrifying war tanks strategically positioned redirected their cannons to the indicated coordinates.

Trained soldiers mounted on the modified vehicles aimed the Type 78 heavy machine guns at the mountain in the distance. Although hitting a target from so far away was basically impossible, the number of vehicles with type 77 and type 78 machine guns mounted on them totaled over sixty; added to this and considering that the type 77 and type 78 machine guns had a rate of approximately 450 rounds per minute, even an ant would be hit by several bullets regardless of the distance.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!


The thirteen battle tanks began the shellfire and all hell broke out immediately.

The 25mm cannon for the M3 Bradley and the 40mm cannon for the IFVs were no slouches either. Nearly thirty of these beasts fired not only their cannons but their 7.62 mm machine guns also began to rain intermittent bursts of fiery fire in the direction of the small mountain.

From the front, from the east, and finally from the west; the small mountain on which the group of three led by Bai Zemin stood became the target of 70% of the enemy forces.

The explosions had barely sounded and the impact of the first cannonball had yet to fall when the faces of Nangong Lingxin and Chen He turned deathly pale.

There was no need to say anything. Both, Nangong Lingxin and Chen He knew perfectly well that Nangong Lingxin\'s Energy Barrier skill would definitely be completely overwhelmed. It was completely and utterly impossible for the current her to withstand a cannonball fired by a battle tank let alone thirteen battle tanks firing at the same time coupled with over two dozen IFVs, nearly a hundred vehicles with heavy machine guns mounted on them, and at least 2000 soldiers opening fire at the same time!

It was then that they both felt the gravity around them suddenly decrease horrendously. So much so that they both felt the movement of their bodies become a lot smoother but at the same time it became more difficult for them to move fast.

The bullets from the various guns flying at full speed as well as the cannonballs launched by the battle tanks and IFVs seemed to have entered an invisible swamp as they became visible under Chen He and Nangong Lingxin\'s eyes due to the sudden stagnation.

The next instant, however, the stagnation broke and the gravity increased explosively.

Nangong Lingxin staggered and her knees buckled until she finally fell helplessly to the ground. Only Chen He managed to stay on his feet although barely thanks to the fact that his Strength stat was slightly over 150 points.

A large number of bullets immediately fell to the ground unable to fight against the abrupt gravitational surge and only those fired by heavy machine guns managed to continue forward. However, the cannonballs fired by the metal giants could no longer continue their trajectory and missed their intended target.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!....

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!....


Explosions echoed everywhere and a dense cloud of dust rose into the sky. The small mountain shook fiercely and the earth rumbled.

Bai Zemin activated Gravity Manipulation in reverse and then quickly activated it to increase the gravity of the surroundings x15. Every time he made the gravity decrease x15, the speed at which the enemy bullets advanced decreased, and every time he made the gravity increase x15 the trajectory of the bullets deviated more and more.

All this was only possible thanks to his skill Danger Sense as well as his ability to think coldly in the face of danger. Not only was it impossible for a normal human to perform something similar, but even a powerful Second Order soul evolver would not be able to do what Bai Zemin was doing as it required extremely sharp senses and perfect judgment to do something so millimetric!

In the command center within the relative safety of the walls of Baiquan Camp, Army Commander Jin Shun and Mayor Bai Yong looked at the monitors with satisfaction. However, without knowing why, they both felt a bad premonition in their hearts.

Everything had happened too fast. The cannonballs and the torrent of fire continued even now. The earth shook and the thunderous explosions of machine gun fire as well as tank and IFV fire could be heard? even from the command center.

The area surrounding the small mountain was covered by a dense cloud of dust so that it was totally impossible to see beyond it. It was like a veil of mystery that covered the scene behind the stage.

After approximately ten shots each, the war tanks stopped firing. Twenty shots later, the IFVs\' cannons sank the continuous fire. Finally, about two minutes later, the muzzles of the machine guns and rifles began to overheat a bit.

The various leaders of each team noticed the situation and immediately ordered their troops to halt.

"Died?" asked Bai Yong uncertainly as he watched the dense cloud of dust blocking the view.

"... He has to be." Jin Shun nodded without being too sure either. The previous sight of Bai Zemin withstanding more than a dozen gunshots, even taking a piercing bullet powered by two active skills with his head and suffering no injuries had left a deep impression on this former battalion commander\'s heart.

Shen Mei watched everything with anxiety in her heart. She did not particularly care who won or who lost this war, however, this did not detract from what was happening before her eyes.

"There\'s no way anyone will survive-" Mo Zan was about to scoff but the next instant something happened that made the next words he had planned to say get stuck in the middle of his throat.


From the command center, an explosion that far surpassed the explosions caused by the terrifying 105 mm cannons of the war tanks was heard. So, it was hard to even try to imagine how terrifying that explosion had been for those in the war zone.

* * * * * * *

Mass release: 4/10

Top 1 in the ranking of Golden Tickets... Really thank you very much to all who give gifts to the novel and support with their valuable tickets. I hope we can all keep it up <3

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