Infinite Competitive Dungeon Society

Chapter 132. Team Revival (6)

“What? How can an Event Raid appear in a Field Dungeon!?”

“Event Raids don’t only appear when Event Dungeons are cleared! We must have met some sort of a condition!”

In the heavy rain, Hwaya’s voice reached me clearly. However, it wasn’t the answer I wanted to hear, since it meant there was nothing wrong with that monster being here.

Of the explorers on Earth, the only one that wasn’t here who could be of help was father. However, we were facing the boss monster of a SS+ rank 100-man raid. Should I prioritize running away? Or should I call father?

[Shin, make it public immediately! Sumire will come help!]

[Sumire!? She’s not stro—]

[She’s Gold ranked!]

Gold!? She couldn’t climb 20 floors in 2 years, but she managed to climb over 30 floors in half a year!? That’s... like me! What happened to her!?

I hesitated for a moment, but soon made the Event Raid public. Now that I thought about it, father would rather come and die than do nothing when his son was in such a dangerous situation.

Meanwhile, the drake landed on the ground, causing a tremor. It didn’t have wings like wyverns, and its body was similar to the Giant Iron Boar that appeared in Guangzhou. It had beefy legs, and its front paws had razor-sharp claws. In addition, its front paws looked like they could reach dozens of meters in the air. The dense mana it emitted made it hard to breathe. It seemed stronger than most demons I met in the Luka continent.

“Turn the helicopter around.”

I shouted.

“We can’t fight that guy on a helicopter!”

The pilot immediately turned the helicopter around. However, the drake seemed to have locked onto us already, as it opened its mouth and breathed fire directly at us. Although the heavy downpour made it hard to see, its giant orange flame wasn’t weakened in the slightest and flew toward the helicopter like a laser.

“Tsk, I’ll go on ahead!”

Then, Hwaya clicked her tongue and jumped out of the helicopter. As she could fly with her ability, she could fight against the drake in the air. Although it might be okay if the drake focused on using magical attacks, if it used physical attacks, it would be hard for Hwaya to deal with it alone. It was why she stayed in the helicopter until now, safely shooting magic at wyverns.

As such, I prepared myself to also jump out. Looking back at Ye-Eun and Ludia, I spoke.

[That guy’s extremely strong. We can always run away to the dungeon if it gets dangerous, but there’s still a chance something might go wrong. I’m not going to force you, but...]

“That’s enough.”

“I’m confident I can run away if it gets dangerous!”

That’s what I thought they’d say. There was no way Ludia would leave me behind and escape, and Ye-Eun was almost addicted to hunting monsters after she got rid of her monsterphobia. The problem was that she was too careless with her life.

“I’ll say it clearly. You guys don’t need to risk your lives here. If it gets dangerous, I’m going to take you in my arms and use Return, got it?”


“Got it!”

Their eyes were sparkling for some reason. I hoped it wasn’t because I said I’d take them in my arms! It wasn’t the time to be so relaxed!

“Hu, okay. I’m going to go ahead, so come back after you return the helicopter. Talaria!”

I summoned Talaria and leaped into the air. Hwaya was blocking the drake’s attack with her ability. On the tip of the fingers, a circular ring of fire rose up and absorbed all the fire the drake breathed out. It went without saying that it was thanks to her that our helicopter was still safe.

“Fight me, you lizard! You won’t be able to even touch me with your flames!”

Standing confidently in midair, Hwaya shouted. Looking at her, I was reminded of the video on TV where she killed the wyvern that appeared in Busan. I thought she looked cool back then and envied her, but now I was fighting with her shoulder to shoulder. I couldn’t be more deeply moved.

Hwaya ran out to fight the drake without hesitation, even after hearing it was SS+ ranked. She wasn’t being reckless. It was because of her strong mentality, which did not let her fall back in the face of her enemy. It was possible because she believed in herself to be one of the strongest on Earth, who did not allow defeat. Thinking how cool she was, I also thought I should take after her spirit.

To do that, there was something I needed to do.

“Get over here you god damned lizards. All of you come!”

[You mastered mid-rank Provoke! Your provocation seeps into your soul. You can now provoke deaf monsters!]

[You learned high-rank Provoke. Existences in the same area as you cannot escape your provocation. Weak monsters might die from having their spirits suppressed by your provocation.]

My provocation spread through the entire Field Dungeon without being hindered by the torrential rain. It even caught the attention of the ability users who were panicking from the sudden appearance of the Flame Drake and the wyvern boss. It had even calmed their confusion temporarily.

However, the ones I really wanted to call were the ordinary wyverns!



Countless wyverns as numerous as the raindrops falling down flew toward me! Seeing them, I was delighted. Damn, the world sure chose the wrong guy as the Hero. Why do I smile in such dangerous situations!?

Regardless, there was one important thing. For the first time since the demon’s Army Commander, I was facing a formidable enemy. I couldn’t worry about hiding my abilities. I had to go all out. Although I couldn’t defeat the Army Commander without Peruta’s help, I didn’t think the enemy in front of me would make me do the same.

If I could do it with my own strength, I would do so. I could always call Peruta, but that was only as a last resort. If I continued to rely on my master, how could I surpass him?

I took out Gluttony Spear from my inventory. The moment I firmly gripped the spear shaft, I felt myself becoming more excited. I shouted.

“Peika, let’s go full power!”

[Leave it to me, Master. I’m the strongest now!]

Strongest? The moment I knitted my brows, Gluttony Spear began to shine with a golden light. It was undoubtedly Spirit Aura, but it was much stronger than ever before. Why? The moment I asked in my head, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky.


[Mo... More!]

I was surprised for a second, thinking the lightning struck me, but that wasn’t it. The lightning was completely absorbed by my spear and was clearly strengthening it. Not to mention, with all the storm clouds in the sky, I wouldn’t be surprised if another...


My ear deafened. Lightning struck my spear continuously. A few of them even missed their target and struck down incoming wyverns. I finally understood. Elementals were born from nature. They were existences always in line with nature and were greatly affected by nature. In this severe thunderstorm, Peika was at her strongest since the day we met.

“Peika, let’s go!”

[Send them flying!]

The incoming wyverns stopped and flinched at the lightning. Meanwhile, I put them in my spear’s trajectory. To be exact, it was just that they were in the way to the Flame Drake. It was why I gathered them in the first place.

Kicking off the air, I used Gale Track.


Using the power of lightning, Peika’s Spirit Aura had enlarged the spear like I was using Sky God’s Rage. The moment my spear even touched the wyverns, they all exploded, and my spear grew stronger each time they died. It was because Gale Track increased my attack power by 5% each time I sent an enemy flying!

[Kugyaaaaa! Hero, I came for you!]

“I’m not into bestiality! If you want me, at least try to polymorph to a beautiful girl!”

17th. 18th, 19th...! I was approaching the drake. Since I was under super-armored state, nothing could stop me. 20th! 100% fully charged! Then, I flew past Hwaya. Seeing her widely opened eyes looking at me, I couldn’t help but think she was cute.

The drake opened its mouth after seeing me draw closer. Was he planning on swallowing me? I shouted.


[Ask me anything!]

“Help me so that guy will obediently let me attack him!”

[If it’s now, anything you want...!]

Then, I suddenly heard the sound of a machine gun. Pepper, who was controlling his helicopter from nearby, had fired at the drake! Imbued with his mana, the bullets seemed to be effective against the drake.


Ruyue took about 30% of my mana and casted an elemental magic. Although it was for a brief instant, I thought the world would freeze. In fact, our surrounding became completely frozen. The beams of light shining down became arrows of ice, the fire breathed out by the drake froze, and its entire body also frozen.

[The world is on my side now!]

So that was it! Usually, she created water from the water vapor in the air, but now, there was water everywhere around us. Even our enemy was completely soaked with water! Even if he was an SS+ ranked boss monster and had fire-attribute, Ruyue could freeze it. Both of my elementals could show their greatest strengths in this environment. I felt at least 50% stronger than my normal self.

The moment I realized it, I charged towards its mouth and pierced my spear through it.

[Critical Hit!]


Its frozen body instantly defrosted, while blood burst out from the top of its mouth like a fountain. Although the heavy rain would wash away the blood in time, the blood that splashed onto me made me feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, it wasn’t poisonous.

[Herooooo! I’ll eat you!]

“I already told you, no!”

I was now as free as a bird! After landing my attack perfectly, I flew back up. I didn’t need to use Divine Speed, and as soon as I backed off, Hwaya quickly blocked the drake’s flames. She was on fire today! Pun intended.

“Guys! Let me join in too!”

Pepper flew toward us, shooting down nearby wyverns with his helicopter. At the same time, the ground lightened up and a few people appeared. The dungeon explorer communication channel became noisy.

[Son, I came to help!]

[Unni, Hwawoo-nim! Minami Violet Sumire, reporting for duty!]

[Shit... I’m going to really die if I’m not careful...!]

Besides one, the reinforcing explorers couldn’t be more reliable. I instantly thought, ‘Walker might die if he’s not careful...’

According to our contract, he had to come help us if we called him for Event Raids or Event Dungeons, but he came without Hwaya or me asking him. Because we thought this battle would be hard for Walker, we hadn’t planned on calling him at all.

Perhaps, father had caught him and brought him along, but he could have escaped if he wanted to. I was happy that he came on his own accord. If possible, I hoped this raid would end without Walker getting hurt.

“Huhu. All the dungeon explorers on Earth are here.”

Hwaya remarked as she flew next to me. I wasn’t sure if she absorbed the drake’s power, but she was emitting strong flames from her body. Since Ludia and Ye-Eun would soon return, she was right.

Looking at the drake still bleeding from its mouth, I snorted. It could be dangerous to think this way, but I didn’t think I could lose to anyone now!

The moment after I thought that, a giant wyvern twice as big as normal wyverns appeared in front of us.

Because of the drake, we had forgotten about it. It was the dungeon boss of the Wyvern’s Nest.

Author’s note: N/A

Translator’s note:

In case it wasn’t clear, the Flame Drake is the boss of the Event Raid, and the giant wyvern is the Field Dungeon’s boss.

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