Villain Cultivator

Chapter 510 - Karma Tribulation And Devil's True Identity (RAW)


Devil and Lilith had been exchanging their intel about the outer gods and their secret plan of obliterating their enemies. Suddenly, they stopped talking and opened a portable screen, checking a DaoTube channel.

Then, they saw the new Dao Avatar of Miaomiao and their deeds.

Lilith smirked as she recognized the disguised appearance of Xu Chu. She also noticed that Miaomiao\'s sclera, pupils, and iris were similar to hers.

It wasn\'t hard to guess what they had been doing, especially after she had sensed that someone had just used a taboo method to cultivate her technique.

"They\'re quite bold. Did you tempt him again?"

Devil brought out a handkerchief and wiped his sweat under the disguise black gas. His voice trembled, "I… thought that Miaomiao would have cultivated Yama\'s Eyes. Instead, that motherfucker is now cultivating YOUR EYES!! What Dafuq is he doing?!"

"You should have predicted it. After all, he is your…"

Lilith giggled and stopped saying anything else. However, Devil understood what she wanted to say.

After all, she knew his greatest secret!

"Don\'t say it out loud."

"My bad. Don\'t worry. Your… you-know-who… is doing great!"

"But I never managed to cultivate that and survived! I always died every time I tried to gain your eyes."

"He\'s different. You should know why since you messed with your, I mean, his fate."


"Anyway, having fun watching my daughter being fucked by you-know-who? I thought you had a crush with Xu Chu."

"Shut it."

Devil was in a bad mood. He loudly clicked his tongue and vanished, rushing to Samsara\'s Constellation Sector.

A few seconds later, Lilith could faintly sense a muffled noise of a grand battle between Devil and Samsara. They caused several waves of explosions, causing many star systems and inhabitable planets of by standing gods to perish.

\'A little help here!\'

Lilith heard the plea of the Devil. She burst into laughter.

"You always mocked Mao Miaomiao for being dumb. Well, you\'re no different since you\'re also… Hehehehe."

Lilith closed the screen in front of her and rushed out to stop Samsara from visiting Golden Heavenly Goose Planet.

The guy was pissed, and he didn\'t come in peace.

As Lilith was dragging her feet and purposing allow Devil to confront Samsara alone, she secretly sent a wisp of her soul fragment to Golden Heavenly Goose Planet.

\'Go. Find my son-in-law and my daughter. Bring them to me.\'

A massive magnitude 12 earthquake, which was impossible to exist on earth, threatened to destroy the Golden Heavenly Goose Planet. The center of the tremble came from the Capital City of Holy Land Continent, directly below the flying island, where Miaomiao was.

The entire city directly collapsed into the earth. Condominiums, skyscrapers, pylon towers, pagodas, and various structures fell one after another.

Cultivators on the ground were not safe either. Not only the world was splitting, random sound waves and screams of the wind, coming from the cracks in the sky, rocked everybody\'s sense of balance. Weak cultivators couldn\'t use their Qi and fell along to the abyss along with the buildings.


The local cultivators panicked. They thought that the world was ending.

The headhunting immortals were also affected. They felt like an invisible power had entered their soul and damaged their soul dantian.

Weak immortals held their chests and cried in pain. As for Fang Yanxu and Meng Hong, their constitution repelled the unknown force with ease.

Karen bit the tip of her tongue and bellowed, reinforcing her planet with her Providence Dao.

The trembling stopped, and the cracks were mended. The collapsed buildings were reconstructed and the people were pulled back from the abyss.

The immortals look at each other in confusion. They didn\'t know what had caused this since no one had seen a Divine Tribulation or Karma Tribulation.

But a deity like Karen knew what it was. After all, she had seen many foolish gods attempt to mess with karmic threads.

She looked around and yelled, "Who the hell starts a Karma Tribulation?! Are you envious of Meng Xin to the point that you want to cultivate a Karma Dao as well?!"


The immortals nearby shook their heads. Although they were tempted to cultivate karma, they were afraid of offending Samsara and many deities, who were in charge of protecting Heavenly Dao.

Karen spread her divine sense over the entire world to find the source of the tribulation.

Soon, she discovered the troublemaker.


Karen clenched her fists and was about to rush to Miaomiao\'s hotel room and kill the latter for violating the taboo on purpose.

However, suddenly, Uriel appeared in front of Karen. In his hands were two soul cores of two immortals.

"What\'s the hurry?"

"Your boy violated the taboo! We have to kill him now!"

"On whose authority?"

"Me! This is my world, and he is about to destroy it!"

"I see. Oh well…"

Uriel suddenly summoned a golden light spear from a portal behind him. A hundred golden portals were opened, and many divine-grade weapons came out.

"Instead of letting him destroy it, how about I kill you and destroy the goddamn planet on his behalf?"

"You… you mongrel! How dare you bully a weaker god?! Do you even know shame?! I\'ll report this to Samsara, Yama, and Bodhisattva Buddha! You think Joshua and your fellow War Droids can protect you forever?"

"Have you forgotten that it was I, Uriel, who initiated the War Marionette Calamity? Do you want me to repeat that? I don\'t mind mass-producing more second-generation droids like my servants to populate the Heaven Realm, you know?"

Karen gritted her teeth as she knew she wasn\'t his match. Yet, she still yelled at him, "Fine! I won\'t do anything to that asshole! But do something about him. At this rate, my previous planet will self-destruct because of the tribulation!"

"Yeah, yeah. That\'s why I\'m here."

Uriel turned around tossed the soul cores of Immortal Qin Clan\'s experts to a member of Immortal Qin Clan in the VIP box room.

One of the seven visiting immortals of this clan was still there, glaring at Uriel in frustration. The immortal also glanced at the soul cores of his colleagues.

"Come to think of it, the Meng Clan, the Wang Clan, the Li Clan, and the Immortal Qin Clan are allies, am I right, Lu Buwei."


The immortal snorted and retrieved the soul cores of his friends. He angrily cupped his fist and bowed, "It seems that we were in the wrong. Please forgive us for this transgression."

"One of us died, and two of yours died. We\'re even."


Uriel snorted and vanished. He had warned the Qin Clan not to mess with his people.

Lu Buwei, an immortal clansman from the Qin Clan, furrowed his brows as he raised his chin. He turned to Karen, who had been watching them.

"Did you mess with that guy?"

Lu Buwei sighed, "My moronic subordinates did. Not me."

"He killed two immortals for one mortal. Do you think that\'s fair?"

"Fair or not, he\'s stronger than I. What can I do? Fight him and get myself killed?"


"Well, please excuse us. Our trip here has been pleasant, but it\'s too chaotic. It\'s our turn to leave."

Lu Buwei led the Qin clansmen to leave this planet. He also glanced at the looming tribulation cloud, which had been gathering around a hotel building.

He wanted to snoop around, but the recent incident put him in a tough spot. He needed to leave before Uriel came back to find trouble with him again.

Meanwhile, Meng Xin, who was resting in the stadium backstage, vomited several mouthfuls of blood. He turned to the direction of the grand hotel, where he sensed that a karma thread had been cut.

Someone definitely cut it on purpose for initiating a Karma Tribulation!

And coincidentally, the line that had been cut was a negative karma knot that he formed with Miaomiao when the latter beat him black and blue in front of Zhao Bao.

By having that strand severed, Meng Xin forgot about the event. Even if he mastered the Dao of Karma Severing, the memory of that day was lost forever.

Now, Meng Xin didn\'t know why he hated Miaomiao.


Even still, Meng Xin was enraged as he knew that Miaomiao did something to his karmic knot. He swore that the latter would pay for this insolence.

His hatred translated into a negative karma knot, which entered another strand of his karma threads. The negative energy flowed toward Miaomiao as if it was a homing missile.

Not only did the hatred of Meng Xin turn into evil energy, but wisps of negative karma from other people were also attracted to Meng Xin\'s karma strand. It followed the new karma knot toward Miaomiao.

The people who had suffered from the earlier earthquake also subconsciously emitted dark energy, which was the source of negative karma. It flowed toward Miaomiao as well.

The Holy Land Continent, the Aves Continent, the other six main continents, and small islands also released negative energy and they headed toward Miaomiao.

All curses and remnants of evil spirits screeched. They united and formed multiple dark gas clouds that turned into an ugly human face.

In a flash, they gathered at Miaomiao\'s hotel and entered the room. Multiple dark gas clouds with human faces opened their mouths and swallowed Miaomiao whole!

Yet, they couldn\'t harm Miaomiao. For some reason, the particles of the dark gas were sucked into Miaomiao\'s slit iris.

The Evil Eyes turned into a new pocket energy pool, which was solely there to collect negative karma energy.


Multiple dark threads emerged from the spirit of negative karma. It wrapped around Miaomiao\'s neck and choke him.

Miaomiao yanked the threads of negative karma strands and pulled them out, causing a few of them to snap.


Again, the entire world shook.

\'Miaomiao. We have to head to the void. At this rate, the planet will be destroyed soon.\'

The voice transmission from Uriel resounded in Miaomiao\'s mind. However, that didn\'t stop him from tearing a few more dark strands that kept coming to bind him.


Uriel appeared behind Miaomiao and dragged him to the sky, shuttling to the void.

The dark cloud with angry faces of karmic spirits howled and followed after Miaomiao. A million dark threads from around the world ascended to the sky.

Uriel dragged Miaomiao a light-year distance away from the planet within a second. Yet, the dark strands instantly reached them.

The archangel then tossed Miaomiao to the millions of dark threads.

"Now, do your things."


Miaomiao protested as Uriel was too inconsiderate. The former was instantly devoured by the massive bundle of strands.

Each black strand entered Miaomiao\'s body as if they were living parasites. It instantly entered his dantian and soul dantian.

Miaomiao\'s body bulged as these strands increased his mass. A breath later, he reverted back to normal, but his skin color turned dark.

The negative karma strands put numerous curses on him, leaving impure energy and evil spirits inside his dantian space.

Yet, Miaomiao\'s black iris expanded and turned into a bottomless abyss, sucking these curses and evil spirits into the eyes.

Xu Chu also reappeared. She began absorbing the negative karma into her eyes as well, but she transferred them into her main body in Miaomiao\'s dantian space.

The succubus inside the Isolation Training Space eagerly absorbed all evil spirits, impure energy, curses, and negative karma into her eyes as well. Her absorption rate was far superior to Miaomiao, so she unloaded his burden by a lot.

Normally, the karma tribulation would flood a cultivator\'s dantian with chaotic energies and haunting spirits of random creatures. Then, the cultivator would suffer from Qi Deviation, spiritual curses, cultivation degradation, tainted Qi, malfunctioning meridians, and heart devils.

With Xu Chu inside Miaomiao\'s body, the negative karma failed to curse him or cripple his cultivation base. The only threat remaining was the emergence of heart devils, which Miaomiao had to take care of them himself.

Within a minute, Xu Chu easily completed her eyes, and she could now control the negative karma in her pupils.

As for Miaomiao, he was still suffering from random curses. He kept seeing a hallucination of his old enemies, such as Xie Tian, Ling Tianlong, Liu Bian, and Brocell, and he experienced a past fight in his mind.

Soon, the negative karma strands learned of Miaomiao\'s memory and began to take the forms of the protagonists. They would soon become Miaomiao\'s devil heart and take over his body from the inside had Miaomiao left them alone.

Miaomiao ground his teeth and dispersed the illusion with his willpower. He increased the suction rate, drawing every evil energy into his eyes.

Xu Chu embraced him from behind and dispersed the emerging heart devils of Miaomiao. She injected her soul essence into his body and dispelled the lingering curses that he couldn\'t handle.

Miaomiao felt lighter. He stared forward, taking his time to digest the new type of energy.

Both of them lost count of how long they got stuck inside the million strands of negative karma from Golden Heavenly Goose Planet. They tirelessly ate the curses and turned them into their power.

"Oh, look. They\'re cheating."

Lilith cackled while she was avoiding random karmic severing blades of Samsara. The massive blade that was longer than a sun cut through an asteroid, but it didn\'t harm the rock.

"Focus, Lilith!" Devil complained as he punched a wisp of white gas. Then, a hooded cloak man, covered in silver gas, appeared from the destroyed wisp.

The golden eyes of Samsara glared into the soul of the Devil.

"The sins of time traveling, the sins of using a duplicate fate, the sins of protecting a taboo existence, the sins of protecting Kishin Douji for no reason, the sins of prolonging the war between us and outer gods… you traitor, how far are you going to mess with my business?!"

"Oh, shut it. I\'m doing this for your own good!" Devil retorted.

"What good can it do if you keep messing around everyone in the universe?! You\'re only making things complicated!"

While complaining, a million of Samsara\'s giant Karma Severing Blades appeared and chased after Devil.

One of the blades cut through Devil\'s hooded cloak and dispersed the latter\'s dark gas cover, revealing a part of his real face.

The short black hair, black pupils, and Asian feature of a young man briefly appeared. His face resembled someone that Lilith and Samsara knew.

Samsara\'s glowing eyes narrowed as he recognized the look. He suddenly sneered, "I understand everything. NOW, I KNOW WHY YOU\'RE RAISING THAT BRAT!!"

Samsara laughed and disengaged from combat. He vanished and flew toward Heavenly Goose Planet.

"GODDAMMIT!! And here I am trying not to kill you. Now, you fucked this precious timeline and my billion years of preparation! You force my hands, SAMSARA!!"

Devil panicked and chased after Samsara with a black katana in his hand. At the same time, he sent a voice transmission to Uriel.


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