The Accidental Vampire

Chapter 167 167: Not Real

The bodies that previously appeared to be dead seemed to be back to life now. They could move... Not only move, but they could also fly! However, despite being able to do so much, they still looked lifeless. It was as if they were still dead yet able to move.

Seeing so many undead flying toward them, it could overwhelm anyone. Even though the barrier was broken, this new set of problems had arrived to delay them even more.

"I\'ll take care of them. You two go ahead and stop her."

Lilith sent Atlas and Lancaster to the ground, leaving the responsibility of approaching Yovana to them. If they all fought Yovana\'s puppets, they could very well give her the time she needed, which they couldn\'t afford. Since they didn\'t know how much time Yovana needed, even one second was too much.

Both Atlas and Lancaster landed on the ground, watching the horde of dead attack Lilith. Some even flew to them.

"Split up. We\'ll approach Yovana from different directions." Lancaster suggested as his claws became visible.

"Sounds good." Atlas also agreed. "Whoever gets to her can take her out."

"Deal." Lancaster took the Eastern route while Atlas took the Western Route. Both had the same destination and same goal, and both had the same obstructions as well.

The dead that were attacking Lilith in the sky were over fifty. Almost the same number had come after Atlas and Lancaster, despite Lilith trying to stop them.

Moreover, now that she saw these bodies that came back to life from closer, it became even more astonishing. At the same time, it also started making sense.

The dead that were fighting her... They were the ones she had already killed in the Franc Clan! Most of them were the same that had died at her hands! In other words, they were from the Franc Clan. It finally made sense why they could fly, but it was still astonishing to see them back to life... If it could be called life at all...

It was different from the Vampires, who were called undead. Even though Vampires were also partially dead and had stopped aging, they still felt full of life. If one was to ignore their pale skin, they were like ordinary humans who felt happiness and sadness. Unlike them, these undead were completely lifeless. They were like emotionless puppets.

What made them a hard enemy to deal with was that they could use spells. Like a hivemind, all those people used the same spells at the same time, which increased the effectiveness of the spell, making those spells even stronger. Even worse was that all these spells were her own spells!

She recognized those spells, most of which were made by her and not known by many people. She was sure that even Franc Clan didn\'t know some of those spells that these people were using.

These were the spells from her own Grimoire. And even if they could learn the spells, for them to master the spells to the same extent where they all cast them at perfect precision? This didn\'t make sense.

Lilith glared at Yovana, remembering the time the two met. Yovana had said that she learned her entire Grimoire before returning it. However, she wasn\'t a Witch, so she couldn\'t use those spells. She could only indirectly use the spells with the help of Formations and Talismans.

Unfortunately, now that she had an army of Spellcasters, she didn\'t need to worry about not being able to use those spells.

"She is controlling them! She is using those spells through them, but they! That woman! She is the core of this hivemind, using her consciousness to control them!"

Lilith found it somewhat familiar to how she used a Werewolf with her mind control. However, that was different. When she used him, he was still alive. Even she hadn\'t been able to mind control dead people in such a large number!

Yovana\'s talents made Lilith feel even warier about her true identity. She was just too good at all these... It was as if she wasn\'t...

All the Spellcasters cast a barrier spell, trapping them and Lilith inside the barrier to prevent her from helping Atlas and Lancaster. Moreover, with the strength of fifty people in the spell, the barrier wasn\'t weak either.

"You can\'t stop me, Lilith. Even though you surprised me by finding me, you\'re still too late!" One of the men stated, laughing.

Even though the man\'s voice was different, Lilith understood that it was Yovana who was speaking!

"Who are you?!" Lilith asked. "Tell me who you really are?!"

The man only smiled. "What do you mean? I already told you I\'m Yovana. The sweet and helpless girl who needs your help. I don\'t understand why you all bully this weak girl."

"You think if you enter Atlan\'s body, you\'ll become invincible?" Lilith inquired, scoffing. "Atlan is just one! There are three more Progenitors! Even Castiel is here! Even if you can enter Atlan\'s body and succeed, you won\'t be able to run. You\'ll be trapped, and your real body will be destroyed by us!"

"You might live the life of an Immortal, but that life will be in a prison like Atlan lived for the last hundred years! You\'ll pray to be able to go back to your body! You\'re not taking an eternal life for yourself! You\'re taking eternal solitude and getting hurt!"

"You still have time! Give up on your plan! Stop right now, and we can talk about it! We could even let you be free if you do that! In any case, you won\'t be killed! You still have a chance!"

Lilith knew that they could fight Yovana and try to stop her, but if she could herself stop, it was much better. Just getting to Yovana with her army around in itself was a hard task. Even though they knew they would get to her, the time was their biggest enemy.

Even for herself, getting out of this barrier after killing all these enemies wasn\'t impossible. But it was very time consuming since they were all in a hive mind. It was like a strength of fifty Spellcasters were behind each spell... The Spellcasters who used her own high-ranking spells.

She tried to sway Yovana into giving up.

Yovana observed Lancaster and Atlas getting close to her real self.

"You\'re right about some things, but not all," Yovana answered. "If you think I didn\'t realize the secret of Castiel until now, then you really underestimate me."

"That man down there... He\'s not Castiel!" Yovana declared, bursting into laughter. However, soon she stopped laughing and turned extremely serious. "You can fool the world, but not me, Lilith!"

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